رياض الأطفال

ملخص الفصل الأول علوم صحية صف ثاني عشر

ملخص الفصل الأول علوم صحية صف ثاني عشر

  ? What do the results mean
If someone gets a “normal result” from a screening (a negative result), this means they are at  low risk of having the condition they were screened for

If a person gets a positive result from a screening, it means they may have the condition they were screened for. It will usually require further tests (diagnostic tests) to confirm the results

Health checks and screenings

 : In your 20’s and 30’s

  • – Blood pressure
  • – Cholesterol and glucose levels
  • – BMI, waist and hip measurements
  • – Dental check and cleaning
  • -Skin cancer checks
  • – Breast self-checks
  • – Cervical screening

In your 40’s

  • All of the health checks and screenings as in your 20’s and 30’s plus
  • -Type 2 diabetes risk assessment
  • -Cardiovascular risk assessment
  • – Eye checks for glaucoma

In your 50’s and 60’s

  • All of the health checks and screenings as in your 40’s plus:
  • – Mammogram (breast screening)
  • – Osteoporosis risk assessment
  • -Colorectal (bowel cancer) screening
  • -Sight and hearing impairment test

Spinal cord injuries

 : Traumatic injuries(causes)

  • – Car crash
  • -Sports injuries
  • -Falls from a height
  • – Gymnastics
  • – Violence
  • – Diving into shallow water

 : Signs and symptoms of a potential spinal injury

  • -extreme back pain
  • – weakness, lack of coordination
  • – numbness, tingling or loss of sensation in the hands
  • – loss of bladder or bowel control.
  • – difficulty with balance and walking.
  • -impaired breathing after the injury.
  • – an oddly positioned or twisted neck or bac

: Non-traumatic injuries and illnesses(causes)

  • – Cancer
  • – Osteoporosis
  • – Multiple sclerosis
  • – Inflammation of the spinal cord
  • – Arthritis

: Emergency care 

Keep the person still, place
cushions/towels/clothes on both sides of the
neck to stop it moving

 : Do not twist or turn the head or unless you need to do any of the following

  • -Turn the person face-up to give CPR
  • -Move the person out of further danger
  • – Turn the person because of difficulty breathing, vomiting or fluid in the mouth

Head injuries

– A closed head injury when there has

been a hard blow to the head by an object which did not break the skull

-An open or penetrating head injury

means that an object broke the skull.

Head injuries include the following:

  • – concussion
  • – scalp wounds
  • -skull fractures

 : symptoms of a potential spinal injury

-Unconsciousness , Unresponsive or only moans
Acts sleepy or confused , Fits or seizures
Difficulty speaking or staying awake , Vomiting

– Problems with the senses hearing loss , Memory loss , Blood or clear fluid coming from the ears or nose , swelling bruising around both eyes

-Difficulty walking or with coordination

 : Emergency care

stop any bleeding with a clean dressing, apply ice to swollen areas

 : get medical help straight away if the person

  • -becomes very sleepy.
  • – behaves abnormally.
  • -develops a severe headache or stiff neck.
  • – has pupils (the dark central part of the eye) with unequal sizes.
  • – is unable to move an arm or leg.
  • – loses consciousness
  • – even briefly.
  • – vomits more than once

Low blood sugar can occur when a person with diabetes

-misses a meal.

– has not eaten enough food.

– takes too much insulin.

-does a lot of physical activity without eating enough

 : Hyperglycemia can lead to damage to the

  • -blood vessels
  • – eyes
  • – kidneys
  • – nerves

Signs of hyperglycinemia include the following

– Feeling sick

– Fruity smelling breath

– Polydipsia (excessive thirst)

– Polyuria (excessive urination)

– Tiredness and fatigue

-Blurred vision


A mild allergic reaction can result in a stuffy nose, sneezing or itching. It can also result in a skin rash or hives.

A severe allergic reaction can make it difficult to breathe. It can lead to swelling of the face or tongue

Administering an epinephrine pen

-Ask the person if they are having an allergic reaction

-help them to locate it

. -read the instructions on the auto-injector.

-Remove the safety cap.

-Hold the person’s leg firmly in place. -hard against the person’s thigh.

-held in place for the advised length of Time(between three and ten seconds.)

– rub the thigh

-All details should be passed on to the emergency services

Emergency medical care for burns Large burns

  1.  Make sure the scene is safe.
  2.  Get a first aid kit and wear protective equipment, such as gloves.
  3.  If there is a fire or the burn is across a large area of the body, call the emergency services.
  4.  If the person or clothing is on fire, quickly put the fire out. Get them to ‘stop, drop and roll’, then cover them with a wet blanket.
  5.  When the fire is fully out, remove the blanket. Then remove any clothing or jeweler that is covering the burn so that they do not stick to the skin.
  6.  Cool the burn with cold water for at least 10 minutes. Then, cover with a non-stick sterile dressing.
  7.  Cover the person with a dry blanket.
  8.  Check for signs of shock and treat as needed.

Emergency medical care for Compound fracture

: Call the emergency services if

  • – the casualty becomes unresponsive.
  • -there is a large open wound.
  • -you suspect they have an injury in their head, neck or spine.
  • – you do not know what to do

No. Practical Step

  1. Make sure the scene is safe.
  2. Get the first aid kit and the AED.
  3. Wear PPE, such as gloves.
  4. Cover the wound with a dressing.
  5. Apply pressure to stop the bleeding. Be careful not to press on a protruding bone
  6. Build up pads of clean and soft material around the bone until it can be bandage over without pressing on the injury
  7. . If needed, treat the casualty for shock.
  8. Get the casualty to the hospital

 : Common causes of upper airway obstruction

– Obstruction by the tongue (anatomical obstruction)

– Foreign objects, such as food or other items which may have been accidentally swallowed (mechanical obstruction)

– Tissue damage

– Allergic reactions

– Infections

: When there is a partial airway obstruction

– encourage responsive patients to cough to try to clear the airway.

– do not interfere with the patient’s efforts to clear the airway themselves.

– if they are not able to clear the obstruction, begin first aid as if there is a complete airway obstruction

Signs of partial airway

obstruction include noisy breathing such as snoring, gurgling,
crowing, wheezing and stridor (high-pitched, wheezing sound)

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