مواضيع كتابة لغة إنجليزية صف سادس فصل ثالث

مواضيع كتابة لغة إنجليزية صف سادس فصل ثالث
محتويات ملف مواضيع كتابة لغة إنجليزية صف سادس فصل ثالث
المادة: لغة إنجليزية
الصف: السادس – الفصل الدراسي الثالث
عدد صفحات الملف 2
صيغة الملف PDF
Grade 6 writings for the final exam
1-A day at school
I like my school it`s wonderful. I enjoy my time too much. I play and chat with my
friends in the break . I go to school five days a week. we have seven lessons a day. At
school we usually sing, play and draw. At school we study Math, Science, Arabic,
English and we enjoy the P.E classes. I go to school by bus. Our uniform is very simple
we wear dark blue pants with light blue shirt. At school I must respect my teachers
and classmate and I should do my homework and follow the school s rules. I play
and chat with my friends in the break.
2- favorite movie
I love watching movies too much, so I go to the cinema every week with my friends.
my favorite film which I really enjoy is science fiction film, because it develops
person thinking and it takes me to the future , while my sister prefer social movies
that talks a bout family relationship and life problems. She loves such movies
because she want to know more about relations and how to deal with life
3- My favorite pet
My favorite animal is dog. His name is Loofy . usually dogs live in houses and farms.
Loofy eats meat ,bone and spaghetti. His color is brown, he likes playing with me in
the house yard. He likes jumping, following the rope and playing with a stick. Dogs
are loyal. They are friendly and you can trust them they are people friends. I usually
take care of my dog by cleaning, feeding, training and visiting the vet for vaccines. I
love my dog and I enjoy spending my free time with him.
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