نماذج مواضيع لغة إنجليزية صف سادس فصل ثالث
نماذج مواضيع لغة إنجليزية صف سادس فصل ثالث
محتويات ملف نماذج مواضيع لغة إنجليزية صف سادس فصل ثالث
المادة: لغة إنجليزية
الصف: السادس – الفصل الدراسي الثالث
عدد صفحات الملف 4
صيغة الملف PDF
English Writing
# write at least one sentence to introduce yourself :
My name is Meera, I’m from Jordan, I’m 12 years old. I live with my family in
Ajman. I’ve got one sister and two brothers, I’m in grade 6 in Al-Hikmah school .
My favorite hoppy is swimming.
# write at least three sentences about the food your friend eat :
My friend eats eggs, toast and jam for breakfast. But he eats fish and rice for
lunch, and he eats nothing for dinner to stay fit and healthy.
# write a paragraph describing a normal Sunday morning in your
house. Write at least 50 words .
Answer the questions :
• When do you wake up ?
• What do you do ?
• How do you feel ?
On Sunday, I wake up at 6:00am, I really feel energetic after getting enough
sleep. I drink a big glass of water, brush my teeth, wash my face, and get
dressed to be ready for school, My mom and dad drink coffee . after having
breakfast, we leave home at 7:00 a.m, and my dad drops us off at school in
his car. school starts at 8:00am.
# write about your favorite animal :
My favorite animal is Camel, it lives in the desert, it is a large animal, it has
long neck and wide legs which allows him to walk on sand, It is called ‘the
ship of the desert’.
Camels diet varies over a large variety of plants. Because camels have
leathery mouths, they can easily eat every type of vegetation.
I like camels because they are very obedient. It stores water and food in the
hump, So it can stay without water and food for many days. Camels are very
useful, they carry loads and draw carts.
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