ملخص درس المركبات والتغيرات الكيميائية علوم منهج إنجليزي صف خامس فصل ثاني

ملخص درس المركبات والتغيرات الكيميائية علوم منهج إنجليزي صف خامس فصل ثاني
مرفق لكم ملخص درس المركبات والتغيرات الكيميائية علوم منهج إنجليزي صف خامس فصل ثاني مناهج الامارات
معلومات المذكرة
- نوع الملف: ملخص
- المادة: علوم
- الصف: الخامس
- الفصل الدراسي: الفصل الثاني
- صيغة الملف: pdf متاح للتحميل
[highlight color=”blue”]صندوق تحميل الملف[/highlight]
Chapter6:physical and chemical changes Lesson2:Compounds and Chemical changes
what is Compounds? Page330
Name and Formulas
mind map
Recap of
Element Atom
Introduce of
A substance that is formed by chemical
combination of two or more elements
And act like single substance
Example: sodium and chlorine
is combined to form salt
Carbon Dioxide CO2
One atom of carbon
Two atoms of oxygen
Sodium Chloride NaCl
One atom of sodium
One atom of chlorine
Quick Check
What is the minimum number of
atoms in a compound? Why?
Two atoms of two different elements, because two atoms of same element is molecule, and one atom of one element is atom it self
The chemical formula is made of the element symbols.
It tells us how many of each atom are in the compound.
- Example: Carbon dioxide
Carbon is C
Oxygen is O
Carbon dioxide is made of
1 carbon and 2 oxygen.
Example: water as H2O
!? Draw Fe2O3
potassium hydroxide (KOH)
Lithium chloride (LiCl)
Uses of prefixes with compounds
Mon- means one
Example: Carbon monoxide
Di- or Bi- means two, Carbon Dioxide CO2
Tri- means three
Phosphorus trichloride-PCl3
Chemical Changes/reaction
A change of matter that occurs when
Atoms link together in a new way,
Creating new substance
Example: the fiery reaction of sodium and
chlorine is combined to form salt
Chemical Equation
Products Reactants
Sodium chloride One atom of sodium
One atom of chlorine Compound
Math analogy
2+5 = 4+3
Chemical Equation
2H2 + O2 ⇒ 2H2O
Chemical Equations
•Chemists write equations to show chemical changes.
The chemical on the left side of a
Chemical equation
K : potassium
H2O : water
The chemical on the right side of a
Chemical equation
KOH: potassium hydroxide
H2 : hydrogen
………………………………… ? What we call this equation
Reactants products
…………………..…… : Li …………………..…… LiOH:
…………………..…… : H2O …………………..…… H2
Signs of chemical changes or reaction
Remember : Sodium and chlorine react to make salt
! What is the sign of this reaction
It’s fiery reaction, so heat of the fire
Light of the fire
The final shape of products
? How can you spot a chemical change
Chemical changes make products that have new properties
. like a new look, sound, or smell
Quick check/ page333
4 atom of hydrogen+2 atoms of oxygen will form 2 water molecule
8 molecule of water
Since we have 32 atom hydrogen so
And 16 atom of oxygen
So 8 molecule of water will be formed
Remember : Sodium and chlorine react to make salt
!What is the sign of this reaction
How can you use chemical changes?/page336
Cellular respiration
Energy for machines
Fossil fuels
Lesson 2 review/page338
Compound: A substance that is formed by chemical
combination of two or more elements
And act like single substance
Chemical reaction: A change of matter that occurs when
Atoms link together in a new way,
Creating new substance
Signs of chemical change: such as Changes color, Releases odor
Releases gas, Forms a solid that doesn’t dissolve, Changes temperature
Lesson 2 review/page339
substances on the left side of a chemical equation are called Reactants
4-Test Prep
which processes release carbon dioxide? Wood burning
Essential Question
By chemical reaction which is change of matter that occurs when
Atoms link together in a new way, Creating new substance