ملخص علوم صحية صف حادي عشر فصل أول

ملخص علوم صحية صف حادي عشر فصل أول
مرفق لكم ملخص علوم صحية صف حادي عشر فصل أول مناهج الامارات
معلومات المذكرة
- نوع الملف: تلخيص
- المادة: علوم صحية
- الصف: حادي عشر
- الفصل الدراسي: الفصل الأول
- صيغة الملف: pdf متاح للتحميل
[highlight color=”blue”]صندوق تحميل الملف[/highlight]
4.1 Healthcare Providers in the Community-
Healthcare providers are people or companies tat give healthcare services to patients and consumer
Secondary Care – specialists in an area of the body or disease
Example: cardiologists look at the heart
Primary Care – the person you would usually go to first when you are feeling unwell or have an injury
Example: nurses
Tertiary Care – specialist care usually given in a hospital, patients usually need further care or treatment
4.2 – The role of different healthcare professional
Healthcare professionals are trained and educated in different areas of healthcare
: The areas include
- Prevention of illness and disease
- The promotion of health
- Health education
- Finding illness and disease
- Treating illness and disease
o Dietician
o Doctor
o Nurse
o Health promoter
o Paramedic
o Pharmacist
o Physical therapist
o Psychologist
(o Emergency medical technician (EMT
4.3 Patient’s rights and responsibilities in healthcare
Rights: How a patient should be treated in the healthcare setting
Patient rights – Department of Health Abu Dhabi
- To be treated to the highest standard by healthcare providers in a healthcare setting
- To be involved in any decision made about the treatment
- To have communications in your native language or through an interpreter
- To refuse or accept treatment
- To have access to your medical records that are accurate and up-to-date
- 6. To receive information about healthcare facility regulations and policies
- To be kept safe in the environment and practices
- To get a second opinion
- Privacy about yourself and your information
- To be informed about costs and expenses before making decisions
- To have treatment in emergency situations regardless of insurance card
- To get information on how to make a complaint about your treatment
Responsibilities: How the patient is expected to behave in a healthcare setting
Patient responsibilities – Department of Health Abu Dhabi
- Take your insurance card to the healthcare facility
- Follow any rules and regulations of the healthcare facility
- Follow the treatment plan given to you
- Ask any questions if you are not clear about your care
- Consider the rights of other patients and healthcare professionals
- To not use abusive language or show unsocial behavior
- To show consideration for the needs of others
- Only use emergency services in urgent problems
- To always give accurate information
- To face the outcomes of your own actions if you do not follow advice or instructions
- To safeguard your belongings
- To keep appointments or to tell staff if you cannot make it
- To tell staff about any special needs when you leave the facility
4.4 Ethics in Healthcare
o Ethics affect how people make decisions and lead their lives
: Ethics covers
o How to live a good life
o Our rights and responsibilities
o The language of right and wrong
o Moral decisions – knowing good from bad
Ethics in Healthcare
o Moral principles relating to healthcare professionals and clinics
o Four main principles of ethics: autonomy, beneficence, non – maleficence and justice
o Freedom of choice
o Patients should have control over what happens to their body
o The patient must be allowed to make their own decision
o For the patient’s benefit
o Healthcare providers must do all they can to benefit the patient
o They must consider the patients’ needs – what is good for the patients
Non – maleficence
o To do no harm
o Medical providers must look at other people who could be affected by the decision made
o Example: stopping a medication that is proven to cause harm
o Fairness
o Medical decisions should be fair
o Fair decisions and equal distribution of resources and treatments
o Must follow all laws and legislation when making choices
4.5 Legal and ethical regulations and patient confidentiality
: Regulating healthcare in the UAE
• The Ministry of Health and Prevention
• Department of Health – Abu Dhabi
• Dubai Health Authority (DHA)
Patient confidentiality
• Patients have the right to assess and have a copy of any data or records relating to themselves
• Patients have the right to transfer their data and records to another provider
• Providers must follow procedures on the collection, use, retention, storage and destruction of data
• Providers must maintain effective systems for the management of confidential data
• Providers must treat all patient information as confidential, this must not be disclosed or used for anything other than healthcare
4.6 – Patient safety and harm prevention
Patient safety – avoiding preventable harm to the patient receiving healthcare
Patient Safety by the World Health Organization (WHO)
: 6 goals
1. Identify patients correctly
2. Improve effective communication
3. Improve the safety of high – alert medication
4. Ensure safe surgery
5. Reduce the risk of healthcare – associated infections
6. Reduce the risk of patient harm