كتاب النشاط Activity Book لغة إنجليزية صف رابع فصل ثالث

كتاب النشاط Activity Book لغة إنجليزية صف رابع فصل ثالث
محتويات ملف كتاب النشاط Activity Book لغة إنجليزية صف رابع فصل ثالث
المادة: لغة إنجليزية
الصف: الرابع – الفصل الدراسي الثالث
عدد صفحات الملف 37
صيغة الملف PDF
Mum: make cakes, Grandma Dad: play chess, Grandpa
read stories make cakes, read go fishin go fishing, tell
and tell stories read stories stories
1 Mum and Grandma both make cakes
2 Mum cooks, but Grandpa
3 Mum and Dad both
4 Grandma likes telling stories and too
2 Write
Complete these sentences about your own family
1 Mum and Grandma both
2 My father likes
3 My sister likes cooking, but I
4 Grandpa likes reading books and I
5 Both Mum and Dad
and I like it too
Lesson 3 Personal fact file
1 Write
Look at the Fact File on page 168 of your Learner’s Book. Complete the sentences
about you and your partner using both, and too and but.
1 Mariya and I are both and/too/but 10 years old
2 I like ………………………………………….. both/and/too/but
my friend likes
3 My friend is …………………………………….., both/and/too/but
4 I ……………………………………..
5 ……………………………………..
6 ……………………………………..
2 Draw
Now draw a picture of your partner’s favourite food.
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