الفصل الثاني

مفردات وحدة المحاليل و خصائص الحياة علوم منهج إنجليزي صف سادس فصل ثاني

مفردات وحدة المحاليل و خصائص الحياة علوم منهج إنجليزي صف سادس فصل ثاني

Keywords of chapter 6 (Solubility and Acid/Base solutions)) P.190-197

Definition Keyword
A homogeneous mixture محلول solution .1
Is the substance that exists in the greatest quantity in a solution مذيب solvent .2
All other substances in a solution, (exist in small amounts in a solution) مذاب solute .3
Is the amount of a particular solute in a given amount of solution تركيزconcentration.4
Are one way to describe how much solute is dissolved in a solution مركز ومخفف 5. concentrated and dilute
Is the maximum amount of solute that can dissolve in a given amount of solvent at a given temperature and pressure. الذائبية solubility .6

 Is a solution that contains the maximum amount of solute the solution can hold at a given temperature and pressure.

محلول مشبع 7. saturated solution
Is a solution that can still dissolve more solute at a given temperature and pressure 8. unsaturated
محلول غير مشبع solution

Keywords of chapter 6 (Solubility and Acid/Base solutions)) P.200-205

Definition keyword
Definition Is a substance that produces a hydronium ions(H30*) when dissolved in water.  حمض 1. Acid
Definition Is a substance that produces a hydronium ions(H30*) when dissolved in water. قاعدة Base .2
Definition Is a substance that produces a hydronium ions(H30*) when dissolved in water. 3. Hydronium ion
أيون الهيدرونیوم *H30
Definition Is a substance that produces a hydronium ions(H30*) when dissolved in water. 4.Hydroxide ion
أيون الهيدروكسيد OH
Definition Is a substance that produces a hydronium ions(H30*) when dissolved in water. درجة الحموضة PH .5
Definition Is a substance that produces a hydronium ions(H30*) when dissolved in water. الكاشف Indicator .6
Definition Is a substance that produces a hydronium ions(H30*) when dissolved in water. 7.PH meter
جهاز قياس درجة
Definition Is a substance that produces a hydronium ions(H30*) when dissolved in water. 8. PH testing strips
أوراق قياس درجة

Keywords of chapter 7 (Characteristics of life) P.219-227

Definition keyword
Things that have all characteristics of life (living things). 1. organism
كائن حي
The smallest unit of life. 2. cell
Living things that are made of only one cell. 3. unicellular
أحادي الخلية
Living things that are made of two or more cells. 4.multicellular
متعدد الخلايا
Increase in size 5. growth
Changes that occur in an organism during its lifetime. 6. development
Is the process by which one organism makes or more organisms. 7. reproduction
Respond to changes in the environment 8.response to stimuli
الاستجابة للمحفزات
An organisms ability to maintain steady internal conditions when outside conditions change. 9. homeostasis

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