ورقة عمل نموذج ثاني plants depend on animals العلوم المتكاملة الصف الثاني

ورقة عمل نموذج ثاني plants depend on animals العلوم المتكاملة الصف الثاني
Question 1 : choose the correct answer :
1- There are many kind of seed
A. True
B. False
2-there is one size and shape of seed
A. True
B. False
3-Seed need to dispersed that mean :
A. Seed move to new place
B. Seed stay in the same place
4-If seed are very small and light it will travel by :
A. Animal
B. Wind
5- If seed are big and heavy , it will carried by :
A. Animal
B. Wind
6- In this picture seed travel by
A. Animal
B. water
C. Wind
7- In this picture the seed
A. Big and heavy
B. Small and light
8-Some plants depend on animals to disperse.
A. True
B. False
9-Seed grow into
A. New plant
B. New animal
10-Seed need light and water to grow
C. True
D. False
11-This seed in the picture travel by:
A. Animal
B. Wind
C. Water
12-This seed in the picture are carried by:
A. Animal
B. Wind
C. Water
Question 2: compare between this seed:
big – heavy – light – carried by animal
– small – travel by wind – grow into new plant
………….. ………………….. ……………………..
………….. ………………….. ……………………..
Question 3 : Write the word in correct place:
Seed Dispersed
1-( ………………………………) when seeds travels to new place .
2- (………………………………) parts of plant that can grow into a new plant .
Question 4 : Color the seed in the fruit :
Question 5:
Match the seed with how it is dispersed.