ورقة عمل plants needs العلوم المتكاملة الصف الثاني

ورقة عمل plants needs العلوم المتكاملة الصف الثاني
Question 1 : Choose the correct answer :
1-Which of these things do plants need to grow?
A. Sunlight
B. Soil
C. Water
D. All of these
2-The function of a leaf is to
A. make food.
B. take water from soil.
C. Hold up the plant.
D. all of the above
3 Which part of plant that take water and minerals from soil ?
A. stem.
B. roots.
C. leaves.
D. flowers.
4-What part of the plant keeps the plant in the ground?
A. leaf
B. root
C. flower
D. stem
5-What part of the plant take sunlight?
A. leaf
B. flower
C. roots
D. stems
6-help to keep living thing healthy?
A. rocks
B. soil
C. minerals and nutrients
D. leaf
Question 2 : Match part of plant with function:
Take sunlight to make food
Keep plants in the ground
Take water and mineral from soil
Hold up the plant
Question 3 : Write name of parts plant :