حل درس الوحدة السابعة Treasured Possessions اللغة الإنجليزية الصف التاسع

حل درس الوحدة السابعة Treasured Possessions اللغة الإنجليزية الصف التاسع
Class Rules:
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Keep your mic on mute unless your are asked to unmute
Make sure everything is working before class.
Raise your hand when you need to talk.
Unit 7 :
Possessions and spaces
Lesson 1-2:
Treasured Possessions
Learning Objectives
- Listen and identify specific information in simple, extended texts on familiar and concrete topics.
- Listen and identify details in simple, extended texts on familiar and concrete topics.
- Expressing agreement and disagreement
Activity 1 – Speaking:
Do you have lots of possessions?
How do you keep them safe?
Reading and speaking
1 In pairs, ask and answer the questions in the article.
I can’t live without it!
We all have something very special that somebody gave us or that we bought in a special place or on a special occasion. It could be a stuffed toy that you’ve had since you were a baby and that’s probably ready to fall apart. Or a T-shirt you bought while you were on holiday, which you don’t want to take off. But why are things so important to us? After all, they’re just things. Here are some questions to get you thinking:
1. Have you ever saved up to buy something? What was it?
2. How do you look after your favourite items?
3. Where do you put away things when you’re not using them?
4. Have you ever thrown away something that you once treasured? Why did it stop being important to you?
2 The writer expresses one of these opinions in the
article above. Which one is it? Underline the
relevant sentence in the article.
a We ought to look after old things more.
b We worry about things too much.
c Everybody should have a treasured possession.
3 Look at the six phrasal verbs in bold in the questionaire. What do they mean?
pickpocket: a person who steals things out of Opeople’s pockets and bags
pick someone’s pocket: to steal things out of people’s pockets and bags
Language tip
These phrasal verbs may be useful when you’re talking about personal possessions: fall apart, look after, save up, put away, take off, throw away.
Write the phrasal verbs from the box next to their definitions.
look after throw away fall apart put away take off save up
break into pieces…………………………………..
take care of something es Minstry of…………………………………..
keep money so that you can buy something…………………………………..
put something in the place where it should be…………………………………..
: remove clothes or jewellery…………………………………..
put something in the rubbish…………………………………..
Activity 4 – Listening:
Activity 5 – Listening –
5 Listen again. Are these statements true or false?
1 Salman had his wallet in his bag while he was in the mall.
2 Salman’s brother bought a new tablet from the computer store.
3 Salman is sure that he had his wallet in the computer store.
4 The man in the sports store spoke politely to Salman.
5 Salman knew that the man in the sports store was a thief.
6 The police officer believes the man has stolen lots of wallets.
6 Rewrite the sentences below using have something done.
1 The maid cleans my room once a week
I have my room cleaned once a week.
2 Our car broke down so a mechanic is fix
Our car had fixed for us. it for us.
3 If you leave your bicycle out all night, someone will steal it.
Your bicycle will have stolen
4 Some men are going to paint our hous next weekend.
Our house have painted.
5 Someone broke my sunglasses yesterda so I need to buy new ones.
My sunglasses had brken.
Could you meet the outcomes?
Speaking 21st
7 Work in small groups. Discuss questions below. ducon
1 Do you think Salman found his wallet again? Explain.
2 Read the definitions in the Vocabulary box. Do you know anyone who has had their pocket picked? What happened?
3 How can you stay safe from pickpockets?