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أوراق عمل لغة إنجليزية صف ثامن فصل أول

أوراق عمل لغة إنجليزية صف ثامن فصل أول

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معلومات المذكرة :

[highlight color=”blue”] صندوق تحميل الملف[/highlight]

Reading comprehension
Tasnim Ahmed Sami

1-Global warming refers to the increase of the earth’s average temperature due to increasing amounts of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.
2-Scientists agree that the burning of fossil fuels like oil and coal causes greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide to escape into the air and act like a warm blanket over the earth.
3-One way to reduce greenhouse gases is to reduce deforestation, the cutting down of trees. Trees soak up carbon dioxide from the air, so having lots of trees around is good for the atmosphere.
4-There are already some changes happening because of global warming. Sea level is rising and some animals are moving to new homes because their natural habitat is disappearing. If the warming gets worse, as scientists expect, there may be some kinds of plants and animals that become extinct.
5-There may be more storms and floods. Due to melting ice caps, sea levels may rise so much that people have to move away from the coasts. Some areas may become too dry for farming.
6-All humans contribute to global warming by burning fossil fuels when they drive a car, fly in an airplane and heat or cool their houses.
7-The best way to help slow down global warming is to put less carbon into the air by using less fossil fuel – something that is easy to say, but hard to do!

1. What is global warming?
a-a rise in temperature in the earth’s core.
b-when the average air temperature reaches 80 F.
c-the earth heating due to build –up of greenhouse gases.

2-What’s the best way to slow down global warning?
a- Work all the air conditions harder.
b- B- use more coal .
c- C-use less fossil fuel.

3- Paragraph 4 is mainly about:
a- extreme weather
b- changes due to global warming Environmental
C- water pollution

4-deforstation is:
a- Cutting down of trees.
b- The planting of trees.
c- A station up to measure CO2in the forest.

(B)Are these sentences TRUE or FALSE?

5- Trees give off carbon dioxide True / false

6- The best way to slow down global warning use more coal. True / false

7- Plants and animals will extinct due to global warming. True /false

(C) Complete the sentence with no more than two words from the text:

8- People increase global warming by burning fossil fuels

9- To decrease greenhouse gases is to reduce deforestation …..

10- Melting ice caps, sea levels lead to making … disappearing natural habitat . and … more floods and storms.


Complete the paragraph using the correct word from the box:

climates   lightening   thunder    Take care     temperature

Thunder and lightning always go together because thunder is the sound that is made by lightning when a thunder storm is a long way .you see the …..lightening….

Thunderstorms happen more often in hot ……climates …. The temperature ……of lightning is measured in degree Celsius.
When you see lightning, start counting one, two, and three for each second .Three seconds equals about one kilometer. So if you count to six, the … thunder ……is about two kilometers away .but if you only count one or two seconds before you hear thunder ,the storm is very close . … Take care..!


Choose the correct answer from a, b, or c
1-Today is …………………….. than Yesterday.
hotest -c hoter -b hotter-a

2-……………………? Most of students like using internet in their life
are they -c don’t they -b do they -a

3-The weather today is ……………………………………. than the weather yesterday. (bad)
worst -c worse -b bad -a

4-This movie is…………………………than other movies.
most interesting –c more interesting -binteresting -a

5-…………………………….? Ahmad lives in Italy
a.is he  b. does he   c. doesn’t he

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