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حل ورقة عمل Module 1 Lesson 1 Practice العلوم المتكاملة الصف الرابع

حل ورقة عمل Module 1 Lesson 1 Practice العلوم المتكاملة الصف الرابع

Grade 4 Unit 3 Module 1 Lesson 1 Practice

.Instructions: Choose the correct option below by looking at the figure

1. _____? What letter represents the ocean feature in the map below

2. _____? What letter represents the mountain feature in the map below

3.  _____? What letter represents the plateau feature in the map below

4.  _____? What letter represents the coast feature in the map below

5 _____? What letter represents the river feature in the map below

6.  _____? What letter represents the canyon feature in the map below

Instructions: Match the word to its description

An area with very little precipitation delta
A wide flat area dune
Low land between hills and mountains. valley
Elevation of land smaller than a mountain. desert
Land at the mouth of a river. plain
Narrow strip of land at the edge of water. hill
Mound of sand beach

.Instructions: Fill in the landform shown in the picture below


.Choose the correct option for the questions below

1. ?What is the flattest part of the ocean floor called
a) trench b) abyssal plain c) seamount d) mid ocean ridge

2. Which of the following features is an underwater mountain ? Choose all that apply
a) trench b) abyssal plain c) seamount d) mid ocean ridge

3.? What is the deepest part of the ocean
a) trench b) abyssal plain c) rift valley d) mid ocean ridge

4. ?What feature covers most of the ocean floor
a) trench b) abyssal plain c) seamount d) mid ocean ridge

5. ?What do we find between mid ocean ridges
a) trench b) abyssal plain c) seamount d) rift valley


Choose the correct option for the questions below.

1.?What map uses lines to show elevation

a) relief map b) topographic map c) latitude d) longitude

2. ?What do lines far apart on contour map show
a) gradual change in elevation
b) rapid change in elevation
c) no change in elevation
d) Lines do not show elevation

3.? Which feature below will have lines closer together on a topographic map
a) mountain b) plain c) hill d) beach


Match the image to the description and name the lines.

4. ____________________? What lines show how far north or south of the equator something is

5.____________________? What lines show how far east or west of the prime meridian something is


Choose the correct option for the questions below.

1. When a volcano erupts, what will the liquid turn into once it cools down?
a) rocks b) water c) fire d) none of the above

2. A sudden movement of Earth’s crust is called
a) volcano b) earthquake c) plate d) landforms

3.? Which of the following statements regarding the pattern in the location of volcanoes and earthquakes is true
a) Most volcanoes and earthquakes occur away from the ring of fire.
b) Most volcanoes and earthquakes occur far from plate boundaries.
c) Most volcanoes and earthquakes occur along plate boundaries.
d) Most earthquakes occur far from volcanoes.

4. ? When two plates push together, what landform is formed
a) mountains b) mid ocean ridges c) faults d) oceans

5.? Which of the following features are not found near plate boundaries
a) volcanoes b) earthquakes c) mountains d) abyssal plains

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