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أوراق عمل Cycles of matter in Ecosystem العلوم المتكاملة الصف الخامس

أوراق عمل Cycles of matter in Ecosystem العلوم المتكاملة الصف الخامس

Cycles of matter in Ecosystem

Q1: Which of the following groups of organisms is responsible for releasing the most oxygen into the atmosphere?
A Producers
B Decomposers
c Consumers

Q2: Which of these processes uses up oxygen?
A Combustion
B Photosynthesis

Q3: Fill in the blank: Living things release carbon dioxide. Some processes,
such as. carbon dioxide ………….. also release

A photosynthesis
B burning fossil fuels
Q4: What will happen to a puddle of water left outside?

A It will remain there forever.
B It will eventually evaporate into the air.
c It will only evaporate on a very hot day.

Q5: Why do we often group the oxygen and carbon cycles together?
A Because these are the only two cycles of matter that exist
B Because these two cycles depend on each other
c Because oxygen and carbon dioxide are the only important gases in the atmosphere

Q6: Fill in the blank:………………… such as plants and the air, interact with each other within ecosystems. Through these interactions, matter is cycled.
A Biotic and abiotic factors
B Abiotic factors
c Biotic factors

Q7 Which of these statements best describes how clouds form?

A. Clouds form when water vapor falls from the air as precipitation
B. Clouds form when water vapor condenses on small particles in the air, like dust particles.
C Clouds form when water freezes in the air.

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