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أوراق عمل Unit 6 اللغة الإنجليزية الصف الثامن

أوراق عمل Unit 6 اللغة الإنجليزية الصف الثامن

Quiz on Unit 6 Using English 3.4

1-…………. The person who writes the play is called.
C- director

2-………………The person who acts on the stage
C- director

3- ………………..Aladdin and the imposter are
A- main characters
B-minor characters

4-…………Every part of the play or a film is called

6-………. Another word for act is

7-The actors should be………………… when they talk in front of people
c- confident

Quiz on Simile L-5

He runs like the train. She did as I told her.
Complete the sentences using like or as

1-Aladdin didn’t want to be a tailor……………….. his father.
2 The man came to Aladdin’s house……………he had promised. 3 The man didn’t look………….. Aladdin’s father.
4 Aladdin did…………..the man told him and went into the cave.
5 ‘I will ………………..you wish,’ said the genie to Aladdin.
6-I’m returning the book to you…………I promised.
7- It was wonderful. It was……. a dream come true.
8- The girl is as beautiful …………… the moon.
9- ……………….. said before, it is important to pay attention.
10 – The play was very interesting, they had expected.
11- The man is…………………….Strong as the lion.
12- He loves his food. He eats…………. a horse!

Quiz on reported speech Unit 6 L-8
Report a teacher’s command.

The teacher told us

1-Learn your lines for the school play by Friday.


2-Please come to the school hall at 4 ‘o’clock.


3-Don’t be late for the rehearsal.


4- Remember to bring your costumes.


4- Don’t touch the probes or the scenery.


5Please practise your songs at home


Quiz on Unit 6 L-7

Complete the sentences from the box:
Palace-joy-poison – disappeared-imprisoned-terrified-

Aladdin is…………Inside the cave.
2- …………….The sultan lives in the
3- The princess killed the imposter with ……
4- Aladdin is…………..when he saws the genii.
5-Aladdin cried with ……when she saw him.
6-The imposter asked the genii to take the princess to Morocco and the palace  ……………….6


6-When Aladdin…….the lamp, the genii appeared.
7-The imposter blocked the …… of the cave with the stone
8-…………Aladdin married the sultan’s
9-Aladdin mother worked in ……..cotton to earn money.
10- Aladdin found a lot of…………………….. In the cave.
11-The imposter made a trick to……………… the old lamp for a new one.

Quiz on reported speech Unit 6 L-8

1-Which sentence is correct in the reported speech
Aladdin’s mother to Aladdin “Don’t be silly.”
Aladdin’s mother told Aladdin not to be silly
Aladdin’s mother told Aladdin to be silly.

Do you have a play with useful plot?
He asked them if they had a play with useful plot
He asked them if they have a play with useful plot
He asked them if they have a play with useful plot

Aladdin to the genie “Bring us some food please
” Aladdin asked the genie bring me some food.
Aladdin asked the genie to bring them some food.
Aladdin asked the genie not to bring them some food.

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