الفصل الأولكتب دليل المعلم

دليل المعلم علوم منهج إنجليزي صف سادس فصل أول

مرفق لكم دليل المعلم علوم منهج إنجليزي صف سادس فصل أول مناهج الامارات

معلومات المذكرة

  • نوع الملف: دليل المعلم
  • المادة: علوم
  • الصف: السادس
  • الفصل الدراسي: الفصل الاول
  • صيغة الملف: pdf متاح للتحميل

An Early Conclusion

Konrad Spindler was a professor of archeology at the University of Innsbruck in Austria when the Iceman was discovered Spindler estimated that the ax shown in Figure was at least 4,000 years old based on its construction. If the ax was that old, then the man was also at least 4,000 years old Later, radiocarbon dating wed that the Iceman actually lived about 5,200 years ago
The loeman’s body was in a mountain glacier 3210 m above sea level. What was this man doing so high in the snow and Ice covered mountaine Was he hunting for food, shepherding his animals, or looking for metal orel
Spindler noted that some of the wood used in the artifacts was from trees that grew * lower elevations. He concluded that the Iceman was probably seasonal visitor to the high mountains

Spindler noted that some of the wood used in the artifacts was from trees that grew lower elevations. He concluded that the Iceman was probably a seasonal visitor to the high mountains
Spindler also hypothested that shortly before the man’s death, the Iceman hadi driven his herds from their summer high mountain as to the lowland valleys However, the loeman sa retumed to the mountains where he died of exposure to the cold, wintry weather
The man’s body was extremely well preserved. Spindler inierted that ice and so covered the Iceman’s body shortly after he died. Spindler concluded that the Iceman died in autumn and was quickly buried ang frozent, which preserved his body and all hi possessions

Experiment to Test Hypothesis

The research team provided Professor Deggl with a tiny sample from the lens digestive tract. He was determined to estudy it carefully to obtain as much information as possible
Degel carefully planned as lenticinqutry. He knew that he had to work quickly to avoid the decomposition of the sample and to reduce the chance of maminating the samples
His plan was to divide the material from the digestive tract into four simples. Each sample would undergo several chemi
electron microscope to see as many details as possible
Professor Ceggi began by adding a saline solution to the first sample. This caused it to swell slightly, making it easier to identify particles using the microcope at a relatively low magnification. He siw particles of a wheat gain known as cinkorn, which was a common type of what grown in the region during prehistoric times. He also found other edible plant material in the sample

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