الصف الثالثعلومالفصل الثالث

امتحان علوم فصل ثالث صف ثالث منهج إنجليزي

امتحان علوم فصل ثالث صف ثالث منهج إنجليزي

مرفق لكم امتحان علوم فصل ثالث صف ثالث منهج إنجليزي, وهذا الامتحان لمادة العلوم للفصل الدراسي الثالث مناهج الامارات التعليمية .

معلومات عن الملف :

  • نوع الملف : امتحان
  • الصف : الثالث
  • المادة : علوم
  • صيغة الملف : pdf وصور مرفقة
  • عدد صفحات الملف:1

زملائك في الصف تصفحوا هذه الملفات :

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امتحان علوم فصل ثالث صف ثالث منهج إنجليزي

من الملف :

(Grade 3 Term 3 Science Examination Specifications (2017‐2018

Subject Science
Grade 3
Duration 90 minutes


The exam totals 100 marks: 60% of the marks are multiple choice questions (20
questions, 3 marks per question), with 40% focusing on other forms of questions
(questions ranging from 1 to 5 marks) as stated in the Question Types / Details
section of this document. This will be further clarified on the marking schedule.
Questions are written for students to:
A) demonstrate knowledge (this accounts for 40% of all questions),
B) apply their knowledge (this accounts for 50% of all questions) or
C) show reasoning (this accounts for 10% of all questions).
The number of lessons allocated to learning outcomes in the ADEK pacing charts
are an indication of the proportional weighing of the mark allocation in the exam
for both the multiple choice and other question section. For example: a learning
outcome with a 2‐period allocation have less questions than a learning outcome
with a 10‐period allocation.

Question Types/

 Multiple Choice Questions
 Match
 Draw and label
 Read and Check
 Fill in the blank
 Short answers

selected for Term
3 exam

3PW1 Explain basic properties and behavior of magnets.
3PW2 Construct a simple electrical circuit independently and use it to classify
materials as conductors or insulators.
3PW3 Describe the movement of heat and how it can be slowed.
3PW4 Explore/ design new ways to conserve electricity.
3M1 Classify materials as solid, liquid or gas.
3M2 Describe simple physical properties of solids, liquids and gases.
3M3 Explain that a change of state between solid, liquid and gas can be caused by
adding or removing heat.
3M4 Explain how some changes can be reversed and some cannot.
(All Term 3 learning outcomes are covered in the Term 3 exam. Term 1 and Term 2
learning outcomes are not covered in the Term 3 exam.)


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