ورقة عمل UAE History Writing Test اللغة الإنجليزية الصف العاشر متقدم

ورقة عمل UAE History Writing Test اللغة الإنجليزية الصف العاشر متقدم
Topic : UAE History Part 1 : Opinio
Write your answer below. Use full sentence
? What do you think of the UAE 50 years ago
Write at least two sentences below
Part 2 : Plan
Write your answer below
Write a plan for your essay below. Please note – this question asks for a plan, not a full essay. You will write the full essay in the next question.
Write about you’re the UAE 50 years ago.
Include information about:
• How the UAE was look like 50 years ago.
• How the UAE became a united nation.
• What Sheikh Zayed did to help his country and people develop.
Part 3: Essay
Write about you’re the UAE 50 years ago.
:Include information about
• How the UAE was look like 50 years ago.
• How the UAE became a united nation.
• What Sheikh Zayed did to help his country and people develop.
Write at least 150 words in paragraphs.
Total /20 | Spelling and Punctuation / 4 | Vocabulary/ 4 | Grammar/ 4 | Structure /4 | Task completion / 4 |