حل أوراق عمل Biodiversity in Ecosystems العلوم المتكاملة الصف السابع

حل أوراق عمل Biodiversity in Ecosystems العلوم المتكاملة الصف السابع
:Answer Key with Questions Module Test
Biodiversity in Ecosystems
1) Scientists can use aerial photos to collect data to determine the biodiversity index of an area
2) .An ecosystem with a large number of individuals can have a low biodiversity
3) .Resilience describes an ecosystem’s ability to maintain dynamic equilibrium
4)? Which of the following is NOT a method scientists use to measure the biodiversity of an area
canopy fogging
transect sampling
biological control
aerial photos
5) ?Which of the following is NOT a method used for controlling invasive species
the use of herbicides
the use of other species
6)? Which of the following describes a taiga
warm and moist
exists only in the northern hemisphere
mostly deciduous trees
7) ?Which of the following is NOT a main type of ecosystem service
8) ?Which of the following is an example of a supporting ecosystem service
nutrient cycling
habitat restoration
9) Discuss four ways that humans impact aquatic ecosystems.
10) State one piece of evidence that would support the argument that supporting services are critical for humans to maintain.
11)? Why should commercial fishing companies be promoting the protection of estuaries
12) Describe how the Clean Water Act has affected biodiversity
13) Compare the health of two ecosystems; one with a biodiversity index of 0.65 and the other with a biodiversity index of 0.23.
14) Identify two factors that should be considered when evaluating a solution to maintain biodiversity.
15) Describe the relationship between biodiversity and ecosystem resilience.
16) Explain how regulations related to hunting and fishing can impact biodiversity.
17) Yellowstone National Park is heavily forested, mostly with lodgepole pine trees. To stay healthy, this forest ecosystem needs fire. Lodgepole pine cones need high heat to release seeds that then germinate in the fire- blackened soil. After a forest fire, the soil in the ecosystem contains more nutrients for grasses, flowers, and native tree species to grow.
a. Explain the relationship between forest fires and the biodiversity within the Yellowstone National Park ecosystem.
Multiple federal agencies manage Yellowstone National Park. The National Park Service is required to preserve the resources of the park. The United States Forest Service ensures that park resources are used in a sustainable way. Other agencies seek to manage Yellowstone’s qualities to benefit the most people. When problems arise in Yellowstone National Park, such as forest fires, these differing points of view must be considered in determining solutions. Many people do not like forest fires in Yellowstone because fire can threaten people’s homes, stop people from enjoying vacations, change the look of the park, and spread outside the park. Some design solutions for managing forest fires in Yellowstone National Park include: Stop all forest fires. Allow forest fires started by lightning but stop all forest fires started by people. Only allow forest fires in areas where people do not go. Allow people to cut down the trees for logging to reduce the chances of forest fires. b. Identify two pieces of additional evidence that may help in evaluating a potential design solution to managing forest fires in Yellowstone National Park
c. Identify the strengths and weaknesses of two design solutions provided in the information.
18) Coral reef ecosystems provide food and resources for a large variety of species and protect the areas they surround from waves, storms, floods, and erosion. They are also a rich source of new medicines and provide income to local economies from tourism and fishing.
Coral reefs require clean water, a narrow temperature range, and certain water characteristics to be healthy. A scientist researched and learned about three options to monitor the health of one coral reef ecosystem
Use volunteer divers and snorkelers to record observations about the coral reef organisms.
Use space satellites to record coral reef bleaching—a sign of poor health.
Monitor and control predators in the coral reef ecosystem to maintain the balance of organisms.
The scientist carefully considered each way to monitor the coral reef ecosystem’s health and has decided to design a solution using volunteer divers and snorkelers. Cost was not a consideration in the decision.
Evaluate the scientist’s decision by explaining how each option affects the coral reef ecosystem’s health. Be sure to say whether or not you agree with the scientist.
19) Bighead carp and silver carp, two species of fish native to Asia, were introduced into the United States in the 1970s, spread quickly, and became abundant. These Asian carp eat large amounts of mussels an snails and uproot native plant species. They are now well established throughout the Mississippi River and the rivers that drain into it. Three bighead carp were found in Lake Erie in 2000 but none has been found there since. Silver carp have never been observed in Lake Erie. The map shows the distribution of bighead and silver carp in the Great Lakes region.
Some methods for controlling Asian carp include:
;commercial fishing for Asian carp
;cleaning boats going from one waterway to another
;using electric barriers to shock and kill Asian carp
;building physical barriers between waterways
.using chemicals to kill Asian carp
Identify the problem these methods are designed to solve and explain why control methods are necessary