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ورقة عمل Evidence from rock and fossils العلوم المتكاملة الصف الرابع

ورقة عمل Evidence from rock and fossils العلوم المتكاملة الصف الرابع

Q 1: Write the word in the correct blank: ( Fossils – Sedimentary rock – Sediment)

1- Small pieces of rock that are moved and deposited by water, wind, glaciers, and gravity, it’s a …………………………………………………………………….

2- ……………………………………….Any remains or imprints of living things from the past, it’s a

3- A rock that forms when small bits of materials are pressed together in layers it’s a

Q2: a-Order of this Fossils according to the age from oldest to youngest :-

………………….….b- Which layer have fossil

Q3: a- Order the pictures of fossil. according to the age number 1 is oldest:

Q 4 – Choose the correct answer:

1-? Which of the following is formed from sediments that are cemented or pressed together
a- Sediments b- Fossils c- Sands d- Sedimentary rock

2-:A leaf imprinted on a rock, it’s a
a-Sedimentary rock b- Fossils c- Plant d- sediments

3- :Most fossils are found in
a- Sandy layers b- Ocean c- Rocky layers

4- Fossils are usually created from …… the of an animal.
a- Hair b- Bones c- Muscles d- Brain

5- If a fern fossil is found in a rock layer lower than a fossil of a smallish, the fern is probably:
a- Older  b-Same age  c-Younger

6- Fossil evidence provides scientists with information about.
a-Environment changed over time  b- Rocks and minerals.  c-Where earthquakes occur.  d- How mountains form.

7- :What can scientists learn from fossils. Select all apply
a. The type of animals or plants that lived long ago.
b. What the climate was like long ago.
c. The colors of animals that lived long ago. d. What the environment was like long ago.

8- A paleontologist علماء حفريات found a crocodile fossil in the desert. Based on this discovery, what conclusions can you draw about what this landscape was like in the past
A) The climate was very cold and dry.
B) The climate was very warm and had periods of rain.
C) The climate had periods of cold winters and warm summers.

:Q5- Answer all questions below

1- …………Which layer is oldest? Its layer
2- ………… Which layer is youngest? Its layer
3- ………… How many layers you see in this picture? They are
4- ?Order this layer from 1 to 4 depended on age from oldest to youngest
5- ……………….In which layer you see fish fossil? In layer number

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