ورقة عمل Revision Worksheet اللغة الإنجليزية الصف الخامس

ورقة عمل Revision Worksheet اللغة الإنجليزية الصف الخامس
English Revision Worksheet
:Q1: Read the text and answer the flowing questions
I am professor Waild. I study space. I am very clever and I have discovered three new stars. My students are sometimes lazy so I shout at them. They think I am rude and grumpy because I don’t speak politely, but they just don’t work enough.
…………….. Professor Walid studies
? What Professor Walid discovered
Match the words with their meanings.
Rude ( ) A. bad-tempered
Grumpy ( ) B. not polite
Lazy ( ) C. not hard working
.Q2) Complete the sentences with correct tense of the verbs
- I ……………………..(go) to school yesterday.
- They ……………….(don’t) cook yesterday.
- My dad ………………..(drive) his bike to the work yesterday.
- My dad …………….. (doesn’t) ride his bike to the work yesterday.
- She ……………(eat) Kabsah in the last week.
- They …………….(drink) coffee yesterday.
Q3) Write the correct tag questions.
- She played piano,………………………….?
- He drove the car, ……………………….?
- They are students,…………………………?
- She is a student,……………………………?
- He has a car,…………………………………?
- They have the book,……………………..?
- We had a car,…………………………?
- She isn’t from UAE,………………..?
- They aren’t from America,………………..?
- He plays football,……………………….?
- She ……………….(eat) food, doesn’t she?
- They play football,…………………….?
- They …………….(eat) food, don’t they?
- They live in Sharjah, …………. they?
- They lived in Sharjah, …………………?
Q4) Write an or a before these words.
- It is …………… ancient city
- It is ………….huge building
- It is…………amazing photo
- It is ……………modern house
- He is …………. Doctor
- This is …………castle
- He is ………….artist
Q6. Write who or which
- I know the teacher ………………..writes the questions.
- They live in the city…………….. I live in.
- I used the computer……………..I bought it last year.
- I visit the doctor ……………I met him in the mall.
Q7) use the correct connecters ( and, both, because, also, too, as well).
- I love English, science………………….math.
- I like to eat rice………….I don’t like to eat meat.
- I didn’t visit my friend, ………………….. the weather was rainy.
- …………… Ahmad plays football and Faisal plays football,
- Ahmad plays football and Faisal…………… plays football.
- ………………………. The food is good and delicious
Q8) Match the words their opposite meanings.
- Weak ( ) A stupid
- Anxious ( ) B. weepy
- Dry- eyed ( ) C. calm
- Clever ( ) D. strong
Q9) Write must, might or could.
- You ……………..eat healthy food.
- She works at school. She………………….. be a teacher.
- They always play tennis, they…………….be team players.
Q10) Write about people you admire.
Q11) Write about a famous person you know.