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أوراق عمل تدريبات اللغة الإنجليزية الصف الرابع

أوراق عمل تدريبات اللغة الإنجليزية الصف الرابع

Our Booklet -H. W Grade 4

Unit 9 – Lessons 1-2

:A) Mention 3 big things, 3 small things in your house
1. ___________________________
2. ___________________________
3. ___________________________

1. ___________________________
2. ___________________________
3. ___________________________

:B) Complete the text about yourself (Choose from the brackets)
I live in a ……………………. (town, city, village). My ………………… (town, city,
village) is good because………………………………………………………. It’s best to
live in a ……………………………… (town, city, village) because

Unit 9– Lesson 2


: A) Write a short paragraph comparing big and small schools

Unit 9 – Lesson 3

: A) Complete the following sentences using the correct form of the adjective

1. My dad is ………………………. (tall) than my mom.

2. The horse is …………………. (big) than the goat.

3. My brother is the ……………………………… (funny) boy.

4. She is………………………. (nice) than her sister.

5. All of my friends are the ……………………………. (good) friends.

Unit 9 – Lesson 5

:A) Read the text about Adeeb Al Baloushi, then answer the following questions

One of the youngest inventors in the world, an Emirati schoolboy is being prepared for a future providing technological solutions to the problems of people around the world.

Adeeb Al Baloushi is an eleven-year-old Emirati boy like any other, yet in some ways, he is quite unlike most other children his age. Al Baloushi is a young boy who from early childhood has been driven by a desire to help people. This started with his family when he realized that his father was limited by the performance of his prosthetic foot. In an attempt to lessen his father’s discomfort, he designed a light-weight, waterproof version of the prosthetic. Also, he invented a cleaning robot for his mother having noticed that her work around the house could be made much easier. “I want to change the world. There are too many people in need of assistance and all I think of is how I can be of help,” says Adeeb Al Baloushi.

1. Who is Abeed Al Baloushi?

2. Where is he from?

3. What did he invent for his father? ………………………………………………………………………………………………

4. Do you want to be like Adeeb Al Baloushi? Why? ……………………………………………………………………………………………………..

Unit 9 – Lesson 6+8

Use more to compare two things or people.
Use the most to compare more than two.
Use few to compare things you can count.
Use less to compare things you can’t count.

: A) Complete the sentences by using (more, most, few, less)

1. Ahmad has …………………………………. Cars than Ali.
2. Alia has …………………….. milk than Huda.
3. I have the……………………….. books.
4. Adeeb has ………………… toys.

Unit 10– Lesson 1

A) Draw your family tree: (add or cancel members according to your family)

………………..                                      …………………..

………………….                                    …………………….

…………………..      …………………..          …………………..

:B) Write 2 examples
1. _______________, ____________________________. :male
2.___________________, ______________________. :female
3.____________________, _____________________. :Either (both)

Unit 10 – Lesson 2

:A) Use the following words in meaningful sentences

1.________________________________________ :both
3.________________________________________ :too
4.________________________________________ :but

Unit 10- Lesson 4

:A) Write a paragraph about your family


Unit 10 – Lesson 5

Write the correct verb (go, play, do) for each sport: A)

1. …………….. basketball

2. ………………. Swimming

3. …………….. horse riding

4. ………………. Judo

5. …………….. tennis

6. ……………….. football

Unit 10– Lesson 6

:A) Writing a postcard

Write a postcard to your friend to invite him/her to your birthday.
(Revise the steps in AB pg.97)
__________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________

Unit 10 – Lesson 7

:A) Rewrite the sentences as required
1. My mom takes care of us. (always)
2. The students are sitting in the class. (usually)
3. Ahmad goes to school alone. (sometimes)
4. She helps her family. (often)
5. I travel to London. (never)

Unit 10– Lesson 9

:A) Label the pictures with the correct words

………………………………….                                             …………………………………..


Unit 10– Lesson 10

:A) Match the words with the opposites

1. happy a.             unkind

2. important b         . unhappy

3. kind c.                untrue

4. true                  d. unimportant

Unit 11– Lesson 3

A) Use may, and might to talk about things that could happen.

I might visit you this weekend.
My mom may travel next month.

1._____________________________________________: may

2. ________________________________________________: might

3. _________________________________________________: must

4. ______________________________________________: mustn’t

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