الفصل الثالث

حل امتحان النهائي الكيمياء الصف الثاني عشر متقدم الفصل الدراسي الثالث 2022-2023

حل امتحان النهائي الكيمياء الصف الثاني عشر متقدم الفصل الدراسي الثالث 2022-2023

Learning Outcomes Covered
o CHM.
The reaction 1 is addition used to convert the
liquid unsaturated fats into solid saturated fats

The reaction 3 is an elimination and produces alkyne

The reaction 2 is addition and produces alkene

The reaction 4 is an elimination and produces alkene


Cracking is done in the absence of oxygen
and in the presence of a catalyst

Cracking is done in the presence of oxygen
and in the absence of a catalyst

Cracking converts molecules of the size range needed
for gasoline into heavier hydrocarbon molecules

Cracking produces unusable fractions



3،2- ثنائي ميثيل بيوتان

22- ثنائي ميثيل البروبان

2- ميثيل بيوتان

Because methane molecules are nonpolar and do not form
hydrogen bonds with each other, whereas water molecules
are polar and freely form hydrogen bonds

Because methane molecules are polar and form hydrogen
bonds with each other, whereas water molecules are
nonpolar and do not form hydrogen bonds

Because C-H bonds in methane molecule have a very large
electronegativity difference, whereas O-H bonds
in water molecules have a very small electronegativity difference

Because methane molecule has a bent geometry.
whereas water molecule has a regular geometry

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