الفصل الثالث

الدليل الإرشادي للقواعد المقررة اللغة الإنجليزية الصف الثامن عام الفصل الدراسي الثالث 2023-2024

الدليل الإرشادي للقواعد المقررة اللغة الإنجليزية الصف الثامن عام الفصل الدراسي الثالث 2023-2024

English Language

Coverage, Grammar and Functional Language Teaching Resource

Grade 8 General
Term 3
2023 – 2024


  • How to use this resource
  • Assessment Coverage
  • Preparation – Grammar
  • Preparation – Functional language

How to use this resource

The Coverage, Grammar and Functional Language Teaching Resource

The slides within this resource, although detailed, are designed to be used as a starting point for teachers to construct lessons around the language points that are explored here. The slides are intended to be used individually as a resource within a lesson and to be incorporated as part of instruction incrementally throughout the term to ensure that students have been exposed to all the language points in the coverage ahead of their end of term exam. Therefore, the PowerPoint should not be presented at a single event or in its entirety. Some functional language points may overlap with grammatical points in the coverage, and in that case, it is possible to combine slides. However, this resource should be considered to be a collection of individual slides that teachers can use to enhance students’ learning.

Within this document, you will find information about the coverage for this term. The lexis family that assessments will contain is mentioned as well as the particular grammatical and functional language points that will be tested in the exams at the end of this term. In the preparation sections, you will find examples and explanations for the grammatical and functional language points that will be assessed this term.

The grammar preparation section has an example sentence that illustrates the grammatical point. It follows this with an explanation of the meaning of the example sentence. Next, the specific grammatical structure used within the example sentence is detailed and links given to further resources. Next is an explanation of the circumstances under which the particular structure is used. More example sentences using the structure are given at the end of the slide.

In the functional language preparation section, there are examples of the particular language point followed by an explanation of how the particular are used. In the associated grammar section, language points that comprise the structure or can be used to in conjunction with the language point to express the stipulated function are detailed.

Term 3 Assessment Coverage

Topic(s): People, expeditions, places.

ECFE Grammar Prerequisite Grammar GSE Grammar Functional Language
Past time: past continuous Can tell when to use the present simple and when to use the present continuous. (29) Can use ‘when’ to link clauses in the past simple and past continuous. (46) Making predictions and hypothesising


Asking for and making suggestions and recommendations


Expressing opinion

Conditionals: first conditional Can use ‘can’ to refer to ability in the present. (29)

Can express personal plans and intentions for the future using ‘going to’. (35)

Can make offers using the first conditional. (46)

Can describe possible future outcomes of a present action or situation using the first conditional. (46)

Future time: present continuous Can express personal plans and intentions for the future using ‘going to’. (35) Can use the present continuous with future reference. (42)

Can use the present continuous to refer to changing situations. (46)

Passive: past simple passive Can make affirmative statements using common regular past simple forms. (30) Can use transitive verbs in the passive with the object as the grammatical subject. (46)

Term 3 preparation: Grammar


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