أوراق عمل Written Response Exam Preparation العلوم المتكاملة الصف الرابع

أوراق عمل Written Response Exam Preparation العلوم المتكاملة الصف الرابع
Al Sumow Science Term 2
Written Response Exam Preparation
Grade 4 2023-2024
Instructions: Answer the question bases on the figure below.
16.1 Label the 2 types of energy shown in the picture. (2)
16.3 Complete the graphic organizer above to give examples of each type of energy.
16.2 Are these energies potential (stored) or kinetic (moving)?
*May be asked using different words so know the meaning of the terms.
_____________________________________________________________________ (2)
16.4 Describe what type of reactions are needed to change/ release the energy.
_____________________________________________________________________ (2)
Instructions: Answer the question bases on the figure below.
17.1 Label the diagram to show the energy transformations that are occurring. (4)
17.2 Circle the nonrenewable energy resource. (2)
17.3 What converts the energy to electrical energy? _________________________ (2)
17.4 Describe what processes are taking place at
- ______________________________________________________________
- _____________________________________________________
- ____________________________________________________________
- _______________________________________________________________
Instructions: Answer the question bases on the figure below.
17.5 What resource is being removed?
17.6 Is this resource renewable or nonrenewable?
17.7 What other fossil fuels do you know of?
17.8 What makes a resource nonrenewable?
17.1 – 17.3 | 17.4 | 17.5 – 17.8 |
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Instructions: Answer the question bases on the figure below.
18.1 Look at the diagram below. What are some ways people can conserve resources?
18.2 What does conservation mean?
18.3 What are the 3 R’s ?
Instructions: Answer the question bases on the figure below.
19.1 Label the processes below. (6)
19.2 What type of energy is transferred?
_____________________________________ (2)
20.1 What type of circuit is circuit A and B? (2)
A ____________________ B ___________________