ورقة عمل Sound & Light العلوم المتكاملة الصف الرابع

ورقة عمل Sound & Light العلوم المتكاملة الصف الرابع
Q1: Choose the correct answer for each one:
( empty space – sound wave – medium – all directions – can – all – vibrations)
1- ……………………………… Back and forth motion
2-………..Wave that transfers energy through a material and spreads outward in
…………………………………………………. from a vibration
3-………………………………. Substance where sound can travel
4- Sound waves ………………. travel through …………………. three states of matter.
5- …………………………… ……………………….. Sound waves cannot travel through
Q2: Choose the correct answer for each one:
6- Waves vibrating in the same direction that the energy moves.
- a- Longitudinal wave
- b- Solar cell
7- Which part of sound wave has more particles?
- a-Compressions
- b- Rarefactions
8- When a student plays a guitar, how does the sound travel to reach your ears?
- a- through thermal energy
- b- through sound waves.
- c- Through light energy
9- Arrange the speed of sound in the following materials from 1 to 3:
( ………… Liquid \ ……………. Solids \ …………. Gases ).
10 -Why Astronauts in space cannot talk to each other unless they use a radio to speak?
- a-The force of gravity is too strong so sound waves can’t travel.
- b-There is no air in space, so there is no medium to carry sound waves.
11- Why are sounds not heard in space?
- a-Space is too cold for sound to travel.
- b- Energy cannot travel in space.
- c- Space is a vacuum with No particles or air to travel through.
12- ……..…….. A pom-pom launcher
- a-Transforms kinetic energy to sound energy
- . b- Transforms stored energy to energy of motion.
12- What is the type of energy transformation in the photo below?
- a-Heat to sound
- b- Motion to sound
- c-Potential to Thermal
- d- Not of those
13- …… the medium where dolphin sound can travel:
- a- The Air
- b-The Water
- c-The gas
- d- The Ice
Q1: Choose the correct answer for each one: ( Light Energy )
1 – Energy from the Sun can be used directly for:
- a- Making sound
- b- Heating water
- c- Making ice
2- ……..Form of energy that allows you to see objects is
- a-Heat
- b- Light
- c- Sound
3- Light travels in …………. a path.
- a- Curved
- b- Straight
- c- Random
4- Devices that use light energy from Sun to produce electricity:
- a- Photovoltaic cell
- b- Solar cells
- c- Both a and b
5- …….The light is …. and
- a-Waves
- b- Particles
- c- Both a and b
6- …. The Light can travel through
- a- Medium only
- b- Without medium
- c- Both a and b
7- The Light travel vary fast in:
- a- Water
- b- Vacuum
- C-Glass
8- The light travel fastest than:
- a- Heat
- b- Sound
9- Different forms of radiation all together are known as:
- a-Visible Light
- b- Electromagnetic spectrum
- c-Infrared
10- Human can only see the …… on the electromagnetic spectrum.
- a-Visible light
- b-Ultraviolet
- c-Microwaves
11 -A fire truck’s siren and flashing lights are examples of… and… energy.
- a-Heat and Nuclear
- b-Light and sound
- c-Chemical and Thermal
12- A tropical fish tank in classroom. The tank has a light in it. Which sentences best explain how the light keeps the fish warm? Select all that apply.
- a-The light transfers energy to the water.
- b-The light makes it easier to see in the tank.
- c-The light helps keep the tank clean for the fish.
- d-The light’s energy increases the temperature of the water.
13- What types of energy do fireworks give when it goes off?
- a- Light energy
- b- Sound energy
- c- Thermal energy
- d- All of them.