ورقة عمل Energy from Nonrenewable Resources العلوم المتكاملة الصف الرابع

ورقة عمل Energy from Nonrenewable Resources العلوم المتكاملة الصف الرابع
Q1: Put correct number of meaning near each type of energy
1- Something that is found in nature and is valuable to humans.
موارد متوفرة في البيئة
2-Natural material or source of energy that is useful to people and cannot be replaced easily
مصادر لا يمكن استعادتها
3- Source of energy made from the remains of ancient, once-living things
مصدر لبقايا لكائنات قديمة
: Q2: Choose best answer for each one
1-_____. Fossil fuels are
a- renewable resource
b- nonrenewable resources
c-unlimited resources
2-? How are fossil fuels formed
كيف يتكون الوقود الأحفوري
a-Heat and pressure turn animal and plant remains into fuels.
b-Scientists collect fossils and turn them into fuels.
c-On the surface of Earth, wind and rain turn fossils into fuels.
3-Is pumped out of the ground and can be used for cooking and heating our homes
نفط خام a- Crude oil
Natural gas غاز طبيعي -b
Coal فحم -c
4- ? Which is not a fossil fuel
نفط b- natural gas
c- Wood
5- A material that formed from ancient organisms and is used today as a source of energy is
a- Fossil fuel
b- Sediment
c- Alternative energy resource
6- Which is an example of a nonrenewable resource?
a- Wind
b- Sunlight
c- Oil
7- Coal is mainly used to generate …….… and has been used to power
steam locomotives . قطارات
a- Heat
b- Electricity
c-Sound energy
8- ? Which is a nonrenewable resource
ذرة b-Crops
محاصيل c-natural gas
9- _____.Nonrenewable resources are resources that
a- Take long time to form, they cannot be replaced quickly.
b- Are available, they can be used without worry.
c- Not pollution to the environment, so they are the best kind to use.
10- ? Which best describes how humans use coal
a-Coal use for food.
b-Coal use for clothing.
c-Coal use to produce electricity.
11- ? Which is example of nonrenewable resources metal
يورانيوم ونحاس a-Uranium and copper
b-corn and potato
c-coal and oil
12- New natural resource can be renewable resource if it:
a- Take long time to form, they cannot be replaced quickly.
b- Replenished, and can be formed again.
c- Cannot be formed or renew again.
: Q3: Connect each picture to its Resource below correctly