حل ورقة عمل Exam Practice Unit 3 العلوم المتكاملة الصف الثالث

حل ورقة عمل Exam Practice Unit 3 العلوم المتكاملة الصف الثالث
Exam Practice Unit 3
Lesson 1: Fossils
1) Which is not a fossil?
2) A ————– is a model that is created when an imprint of a fossil is filled
with a new material.
cast mold
3) _____A fossil is what is left of a living thing from the.
future present past
4) Fossils that are buried close to the surface are —————– than fossils buried
deep in the ground.
younger older
5) —————- The remains of organisms from the past are called.
Fossils Stones
6) Fossils can tell us how the Earth’s———————– has changed over time.
weather environment
7) What type of animal does the fossil in the picture look like?
8)_____. A fossil with fins shows that the animal most likely could
walk fly move through water
9) The dodo bird became —————— because it was hunted by humans and
some animals.
extinct famous
10)_____. Fish fossils that are found on land most likely mean
fish used to live on land land used to be covered with water
11) All endangered organisms will become extinct.
True False
12) Which animal is extinct?
13) The fossils of a dinosaur were found in the third layer of soil. What do we
know about the fossils of a second dinosaur found in the fourth layer of soil?
a) Fossils in the third layer is younger that fourth layer
b) Fossils in the third layer is older than fourth layer
14) In which category is the saber-toothed cat found?
endangered extinct
15)————————. Today, all that is left of dinosaurs are their
Fossils Hair
16)_____. How deep a fossil is buried gives scientists clues about its
age size population
17) What can you tell about the animal in the picture?
A) It flew from tree to tree. b) It could walk and run.
18) Scientists find clues to Earth’s past through fossils.
True False
19) It looks most like which animal that lives today?
20) Some dinosaur fossils have structures that look like wings. This could mean
they lived in water they could fly they were large
21) What part of this skeleton fossil suggests this animal lived on land?
The feet showed it moved by walking.
The tail showed it moved by walking.
The head showed it moved by walking.
22) Only a few organisms become extinct each year.
True False
23) When there are not many of one kind of animal left, the animal is ___________. considered
endangered extinct adapted
24) If not enough is done for a species that is endangered, then it may become extinct
True False
25) Which are reasons that an animal may become extinct? Select all that apply.
loss of habitat pollution extra food supply hunting
26)___________ An animal is endangered when .
A) it can protect its young from harm
B) it can no longer find food or live in its environment
Lesson 2: Changes Affect Organisms
1) An environment can be changed by _____, which washes away soil and
a flood a drought a tornado a wildfire
2) How could a wildfire affect the environment of a deer or mouse?
No food and shelter it does not affect them at all.
3) A farmer accidentally planted seeds of an invasive species in his field.
How is the plant harmful to the environment?
a) It will not harm the environment.
b) It blocks sunlight and takes nutrients that native plants need.
4) When plants and animals cannot adapt to their environment, their
_____. population
dies off survives
5) The graph below shows changes in rainfall in an area over five years.
To continue living in this environment, an animal would need to be able to store
water for a long time and to adapt to new ways to find water
True False
6) Which could happen if people introduced a new animal into an environment?
a) The environment will not be affected
b) All plants and animal can no longer live
c) The animal uses up resources
7) Which is one-way humans endanger animals?
a) Cleaning environments where animals live.
b) Clearing rain forests.
8) A road was built through a forest. Large animals that lived in the forest,
such as deer and bears, could not safely cross the road. Fast-moving cars
and trucks often hit animals that were crossing the road. So, a group of
people built a bridge over the road. Scientists observed a deer walking
over the bridge instead of crossing the road, as shown.
Make a claim about the effect that the bridge has on the animals in the forest,
based on the given information.
Circle the cross or tick if you agree or disagree
a) Animals can cross safely
b) Scientists observed a deer walking over the bridge instead of crossing the road.
Changes affect organisms