أوراق عمل Test 1 Review العلوم المتكاملة الصف الثالث

أوراق عمل Test 1 Review العلوم المتكاملة الصف الثالث
Science Test 1 Review – Lesson 1
1. A ……………………… is a trace of the remains of a living thing that died long ago
A Fossil B Extinction C Adaptations
2. It is when there is no more of an organism’s kind left on earth.
A Fossil B Extinction C Adaptation
3. The actual remains of an organism are trapped in the earth’s material.
A Trace Fossils B Preserved Remains C Molds and Casts
Which fossil is the youngest in this picture? .4
A 1 B 2 C 3 D 4
5. Which fossil is the oldest in this picture?
A 1 B 2 C 3 D 4
6. An animal leaves a footprint in the mud which hardens and changes to rock over time.
A Trace Fossils B Preserved Remains C Molds and Casts
7. Fossils tell us about living things age only.
A True B False
8. Dinosaurs and mammoths became ……………… thousands of years ago.
A Organisms B Extinct C survivors
9. Casts cannot be shaped without molds.
A True B False
10. Fossils give information about living thing’s ……………………………………………, and ………………….. Select three.
A Size B Shelter C Shape D Environment
Science Test 1 Review – Lesson 2
1. ……………. living things like humans, animals, and plants.
A Organisms B Ecosystem C Interactions
2. The interactions between living things and nonliving things.
A Organisms B Ecosystems C Interactions
3. Organisms introduce into a new ecosystem either by accident or by humans.
A Organisms B Ecosystems C Invasive Species
4. Plants compete for ………………… and …………… in their ecosystems. Select three.
A Shelter B Space C Sunlight D water
5. Interactions in ecosystems happen between living things only.
A True B False
6. Plants give off carbon dioxide which is important for animals.
A True B False
7. Natural event such as …………………, …………………., and ……………. can change ecosystems. Select
Select 3 answers
A Floods C Cutting trees E Forest fires B Pollution D Drought
8. People change ecosystems more than other organisms.
A True B False
9. ……………. is built to control water flow
A Wall B Dam C Bridge
10……………………. In a forest fire
A All the organisms will die. C None of the organisms will die. B Some of the organisms will die.
Writing Practices Grade 3 – Test 1 Review
1. Explain what fossils tell us about the environment.
2. Explain how humans affect their environment.
3. Explain how natural events can change the ecosystem.