الفصل الثاني

امتحان التقويم الأول Test 1 العلوم المتكاملة الصف الرابع

امتحان التقويم الأول Test 1 العلوم المتكاملة الصف الرابع

Test 1 Science revision ( 20 marks )

Focus on page 5, 12, 13, 14, 15, 27

Question 1 – How is energy transferred when we light fireworks? (explain in sentences or draw and label) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Question 2 – Label the forms of energy from the picture

_______________________ )a         b)____________________

_______________________ )c         d)____________________

Question 3 – True or false

  1. ________________ Sound energy is an energy in motion.
  2. ­______________ Nuclear energy is an example of stored energy.
  3. ___________ Stars are invisible because light cannot travel through space.
  4. ____________________ Energy can be destroyed.
  5. ____________________ A ringing bell sends sound waves in all directions.
  6. ________________ Sound cannot travel through liquid
  7. ________________ Electrical energy is energy that moves.


Question 4 – Circle all the boxes that show examples of energy moving

Ice cubes stay frozen in the freezer



Thunder claps loudly The car crashes into the door


The bat hits the ball

The bicycle horn beeps A book sits on a shelf
The bowling ball knocks down the pins



A car parked off at the supermarket John kicks the ball Ahmed

The flashlight lights up


Sophia sings a song at a concert A picture frame stays on the wall

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