الصف الخامسعلومعلوم الصف الخامس الفصل الثالث

حل ورقة عمل Earth’s Major Systems العلوم المتكاملة الصف الخامس

حل ورقة عمل Earth’s Major Systems العلوم المتكاملة الصف الخامس

Answer Key with Questions
Lesson Check: Earth’s Major Systems

1) Which of the following is not part of Earth’s geosphere?

Correct Answer

2) Which of Earth’s systems interact with each other?
O geosphere and hydrosphere only
hydrosphere and atmosphere only
atmosphere and biosphere only
All of Earth’s systems interact with each other.

Correct Answer
All of Earth’s systems interact with each other.

Answer Key with Questions
Lesson Check: Earth’s Major Systems

  Fill in the blanks using the available answer choices.  3.
The……………….is a layer of gases including oxygen and nitrogen that
surrounds the Earth.

Blank 1 options
⚫️ atmosphere
⚫️ biosphere

Correct Answer

4) ………..All of Earth’s liquid and solid water make up the

Correct Answer
Blank 1: hydrosphere

Answer Key with Questions
Lesson Check: Earth’s Major Systems

5)………. The part of Earth where all living things are found is called the

Correct Answer

6) Where does the water go when water evaporates from a puddle on the street?
It goes into a nearby river or stream.
It sinks into the street.
It rises into the atmosphere.
It goes into outer space.
Correct Answer
It rises into the atmosphere.

Answer Key with Questions
Lesson Check: Earth’s Major Systems

7) How does the hydrosphere interact with the geosphere?




Correct Answer
Answers may vary.

Sample answer: The hydrosphere contains running water, such as rivers and oceans, that shape the rocks and soil of the geosphere as it moves.

Answer Key with Questions
Lesson Check: Earth’s Major Systems

8) Fill in the blanks using the available answer choices.
………………Solid and molten rock are part of the

Blank 1 options
• geosphere

Correct Answer

9) Which of these would you be doing if you are interacting with the geosphere?
rock climbing
riding in an airplane
O sailing

Correct Answer
rock climbing

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