حل أوراق عمل Earth System and Cycle of matter العلوم المتكاملة الصف الخامس

حل أوراق عمل Earth System and Cycle of matter العلوم المتكاملة الصف الخامس
1) .is the part of Earth where life is found (all the………..
earth’s living thing)
o hydrosphere
o biosphere
o geosphere
o atmosphere
2) Which of the following is TRUE for the atmosphere?
o the atmosphere does not contain any gases
o it is made up of layers of liquid that surround the Earth
o it is made up of layers of gases that surround the Earth
o it provides oxygen and carbon dioxide needed by living things
o the gases in the atmosphere destroy life on Earth
o most of the atmosphere is carbon dioxide gas
3) Choose the image that represents the form in which
most of Earth’s liquid water is found.
o oceans
o glaciers
o river
o lakes
4) Earth is made up of four main parts called systems.
Which of the following best explains what a system is?
o a group of different parts that are not connected because they each work on their own
o a group of different parts that are connected and work together as a whole
o individual parts that are not connected but work together sometimes
o a group of the same parts that are connected and work together as a whole
5) Which of the statements about the hydrosphere is TRUE?
o freshwater covers more than 70% of Earth
o underground water covers more than 70% of Earth
o saltwater covers more than 70% of Earth
o Salt and fresh water cover more than 70% of Earth.
6) The……….is the layer of gases surrounding Earth.
o atmosphere
o geosphere
o biosphere
7) How do organisms that live underwater in the ocean
get air?
o The ocean water does not have any gases for animals to breathe.
o Animals can only get air to breathe when they are on land.
o Animals have to come out of the ocean water to breathe.
o The gases that are in the atmosphere are also in the ocean water.
8) Which of the following is TRUE for the animals that
live in the ocean?
o they are part of the hydrosphere and biosphere
o they are part of the hydrosphere only
o they are part of the hydrosphere, atmosphere,
geosphere, and biosphere
o they are part of the biosphere only
9) Parts of all four Earth systems can be found in every ecosystem.
o True
o False
10) Which statement is TRUE for the geosphere?
o The geosphere includes all the water on Earth The
o The geosphere includes the solid and molten rock inside Earth
o The geosphere is a layer of gases surrounding the earth
o The geosphere is all the nonliving things on Earth
11) The……………. includes soil and the solid, molten rock inside Earth
o atmosphere
o geosphere
o biosphere
12) Which of the following is not part of Earth’s geosphere
o Mountains
o Soil
o Rivers
o Volcanoes
13) The biosphere contains all of the nonliving things on Earth
o True
o False
14) is the continuous movement of water between earth’s surface and the air changing forms among the three states of matter
o nitrogen cycle
o water cycle
o animal cycle
o carbon cycle
15) occurs when a gas changes to liquid………….
o Condensation
o Runoff
o Precipitation
o energy
16) what is the process called during which water that falls from clouds to the ground in liquid or solid form? (Rain, sleet, snow, or hail) …………v
o Condensation
o Runoff
o Precipitation
o Food chain
17)…………… water flows over earth’s surface and doesn’t soak into the ground
o Runoff
o Rain
o Snow
o Water vapor
18) the continuous circulation of nitrogen from air to soil to organisms and back to air or soil
o Water cycle
o Nitrogen cycle
o Frog cycle
o Plant cycle
19)…………. Air is made up of 78%
o Oxygen
o carbon
o nitrogen
o water vapor
20) Some bacteria that live on root of plants can change nitrogen gas into a form plant can use
21) Decomposers and bacteria help return nitrogen into the atmosphere and the cycle repeats
22) The circulation of oxygen and carbon dioxide gas
o Water cycle
o Nitrogen cycle
o Butterfly cycle
o Oxygen-carbon cycle
24) activities such as the burning of fossil fuels also release carbon dioxide
o Ture
o False
25) As producers, plants take in carbon dioxide and give off oxygen. Animals take in oxygen and give off carbon dioxide
o True
o False
26) The water cycle includes water evaporating into water vapor which can form clouds.
o True
o False
27) Construct an explanation about the role that bacteria play in the nitrogen cycles.
28) How does conserving the amount of water we use affect the water cycle? Circle all that apply.
o limits the amount of water we remove from natural waterways
o allows natural water levels to remain at healthy levels
o adds pollution to nearby waterways