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حل أوراق عمل Plants and Animals العلوم المتكاملة الصف الثالث

حل أوراق عمل Plants and Animals العلوم المتكاملة الصف الثالث

Plant Life cycles
1. Which is not part of a plant’s life cycle?
a. Growth
b. Death
✓ c. losing a branch in a storm
d. Germination

2. The life cycle of a pea plant is shown below.

Which of these sentences best describes the life cycle of a pea plant?
a. A pea seed is very large.
b. A pea plant lives for years.
✓ c. There are three stages in the life cycle of a pea plant.

3. A new plant grows from a Blank
a. Root
b. Petal
c. Stem
✓ d. Seed

4. Which plant reproduce using cones?
a. flowering plants
✓ b. Conifers
c. Ferns
d. Potato

5. What kind of seed do you need to plant to grow an oak tree?

6. Which does a seed need to germinate?
a. freezing temperatures at night
b. to be eaten by an animal
✓ c. water, air, nutrients, and the right temperature
d. only water

7. Which is the movement of pollen from the male part of a flower to the female part?
✓ a. Pollination
b. Seed formation
c. Germination
d. Life cycle

8. When a seed germinates, it
a. Reproduces
✓ b. Begins to grow
c. Grows leaves
d. Dies

9. Pinecones makes
✓ a. Seeds
b. Leaves

10. A seed holds a(n) ______________, which is a
young plant.
✓ a. Embryo
b. Trait

11. Name the two plant structures that can make seeds.
✓ a. Flower and cones
b. Roots and leaves

12. Give an example of how a seed can get to the soil.
a. Humans can plant a seed in the soil
b. Animals may accidently take the seed to the soil.
c. Seed can be transferred through wind and water to the soil.
✓ d. All the above.

13. …….The seeds inside a fruit can grow into new

a. Seeds
b. fruits
✓ c. Plants

14. Which is the job of a flower?
✓ a. to make seeds
b. to keep animals away
c. to fertilize the ground

15. Which does the fruit of a flowering plant hold?
a. Cones
b. Pollens
c. Eggs
✓ d. Seeds

Plant Traits
1. ……Features that make an organism unique are called

a. Offspring
b. Special
✓ c. Traits
d. Freckles

2. The passing on of traits from parents to young is
a. Characteristics
✓ b. Hereditary
c. Offspring
d. Germination

3. A flower’s red petals are an example of a(n) trait
✓ a. Inherited
b. Variation

4. A tomato seed will grow into a
a. Bean plant
✓ b. Tomato plant
c. Sunflower plant
d. Corn plant

5. When a seed grows into a plant it most likely will
a. look nothing like its parent
b. look like its parent
c. look like a rose
✓ d. look nothing like a rose

7. What is one way that pine trees might be different from each other?
a. They don’t look like their parents.
b. Some have a different life cycle.
✓ c. They don’t have the same number of pine needles.

6. Inherited traits come from
a. one parent
✓ b. both parents

8. Marisol wants to show that plants need sunlight to grow. She plants one plant in a terrarium with soil. Then she puts the terrarium in a sunny room. Marisol makes a second terrarium for the next part of her experiment. What should she do differently with the second terrarium?

a. She should put it in a dark room Reason: To show that plants need sunlight to grow, one terrarium should be placed in sunlight, and one should be without sunlight. In this case, no other variable was changed. This would allow for a fair comparison to be  made to show the effect of sunlight on plant growth. ✓a

b. She should use another kind of soil. Reason: To show that plants need sunlight to grow, one terrarium should be placed in sunlight, and one should be without sunlight. No other variable should be changed. Using a different kind of soil would not allow for a fair comparison to be made.

c. She should use another kind of soil. Reason: To show that plants need sunlight to grow, one terrarium should be placed in sunlight, and one should be without sunlight. No other variable should be changed. Using a different kind of soil would not allow for a fair comparison to be made.

10. Which of these explains a variation in an inherited trait?
a. A plant parent with a white flower produces an offspring plant with a yellow flower.
b. A parent bush has thorns, and the offspring bush has thorns.
c. A parent bush has thorns, and the offspring bush has thorns.
d. A plant has greener leaves when it is fertilized.

11. A peach tree has an offspring. Which trait is a variation of an inherited trait from the parent tree?
a. Height
b. leaf shape
✓ c. type of fruit
d. color of flower


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