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حل أوراق عمل Moving Continents العلوم المتكاملة الصف الثامن

حل أوراق عمل Moving Continents العلوم المتكاملة الصف الثامن

Answer Key with Questions

Lesson Check: Moving Continents

1) The presence of the same continental drift.
A) fossils
B) rocks
C) neither a nor b
D) both a and b

Correct Answer
D) both a and b
on several continents supports the hypothesis of

2) Some early mapmakers thought that the coastline of South America matched the coastline of Asia.

Answer Key with Questions
Lesson Check: Moving Continents

3) Scientists at the time rejected Wegener’s hypothesis of continental drift because he could not explain how or why Earth’s continents move.

Correct Answer

4) A lack of explanation for continental drift prevented many scientists from accepting that a single supercontinent called
A) Glomar
B) Glossopteris
C) Pangaea
OD) Wegener

Correct Answer
C) Pangaea
once existed.

Answer Key with Questions

Lesson Check: Moving Continents

5) Matching ……… on different continents are evidence for continental drift.
A) river systems
B) rock structures
C) weather patterns
D) wind systems

Correct Answer
B) rock structures

Answer Key with Questions

Lesson Check: Moving Continents

7) Wegener believed that the continents were assembled as part of a supercontinent about ………years ago.
OA) 250 million
B) 350 million
C) 450 million
D) 550 million

Correct Answer
A) 250 million

8) The map shows where glaciers existed 250 million years ago.

Which explanation is supported by the data in the map?

A) Glaciers formed in the locations shown on the map because of a change in climate that caused the southern hemisphere to experience an ice age.
Rationale: There is no evidence of an ice age occurring within only one hemisphere. In addition, there is no information on the map to support this explanation.

B) Glaciers at one time covered most of the continents in the world, but the glaciers melted and the areas on the map are places where glaciers still remain.
Rationale: The areas shown in the map are too warm for continental glaciers to form today. In addition, the map does not provide evidence of worldwide glacial coverage followed by extensive melting to only those locations.

There is evidence of glaciers in the areas identified on the map because the current climate in those areas still supports glacier formation.
Rationale: The areas shown in the map are too warm for continental glaciers to form today.

D) There is evidence of glaciers in the areas identified on the map because the  continents were once located near a polar region, but then over time the continents moved apart.
Rationale: The shape of the continents and the glacial evidence supports the theory that those locations were all joined together at one time and then moved apart to the current locations. In addition, though not shown on the map, those areas were part of the single landmass called Pangaea, and were located in the extreme south, near Antarctica, where they experienced very cold conditions.

Correct Answer
There is evidence of glaciers in the areas identified on the map because the continents were once located near a polar region, but then over time the continents moved apart.


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