الصف الثالثعلومالفصل الثاني

حل درس Weather Patterns العلوم المتكاملة Inspire الصف الثالث

حل درس Weather Patterns العلوم المتكاملة Inspire الصف الثالث

Al Asimah School Term2

Unit4: Observing weather
Module: Weather Impacts

Describing and
Measuring Weather
Air temperature is one measurement of weather. Precipitation, wind, and air pressure also describe weather. When one of these factors changes, so does the weather.
Precipitation Precipitation is water that falls to the ground from clouds. Liquid rain is the most common type of precipitation. Precipitation falls as liquid rain when the air temperature is warmer than 0°C (32°F). A rain gauge is used to measure precipitation.
Sleet, snow, and hail are frozen precipitation. Sleet forms when rain falls through a layer of freezing-cold air. Snow s made of ice crystals. Hail forms when rain

Air Pressure Air pressure is the force of air pressing down on Earth’s surface. Weather reports often describe air pressure. Scientists use a tool called a barometer to measure air pressure.

ضغط الهواء: هو قوة ضغط الهواء على سطح الأرض ويستخدم العلماء اداه تسمى بارومتر لقياس ضغط الجو

Wind Wind is moving air. It is caused by differences in air pressure. Scientists measure how fast the wind is blowing with an anemometer. Because winds in the United States usually blow from west to east, the weather will usually move from west to east as well.

الرياح: هي حركة الهواء بسبب الاختلافات في ضغط الهواء ويستخدم العلماء أداه تسمى انمومتر لقياس سرعة الرياح التنبؤ بحالة الطقس تساعد الناس في البقاء بأمان

Predicting Weather
Knowing the weather helps people stav safe. Airplane pilots study the weather to find out if it is safe to take off and land in another area. Predictions of hurricanes can give people time to find shelter.
Scientists use many tools to predict the weather. For example, a weather balloon is a tool that is launched into the air. It carries devices that collect data about the atmosphere. A satellite is a tool that scientists put into space.
It travels around Earth and collects
data over very large areas. A satellite can spot storms over the ocean. Scientists then use other information about the atmosphere to predict where the storm will move next.

What is the relationship between wind and air pressure?
:Moving air is
called wind. Air moves from areas where air pressure is high to areas where air pressure is low.

Read a Diagram Look carefully at the key. The colors show areas where different high temperatures will occur. The symbols show the kind of weather different areas will have.
Look at the weather map. Name two cities that will have high temperatures in the 90s.
Phoenix and Dallas

Use the data. What will the weather be like in Chicago?
It will be sunny and warm.

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