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حل درس Lesson 4 اللغة الإنجليزية الصف الثامن

حل درس Lesson 4 اللغة الإنجليزية الصف الثامن

Grade 8 General BTS 8 Unit 6 Lesson 4

Learning outcomes

  • Ask and answer questions for clarification, elaboration and understanding.
  • Read and identify specific information in simple extended texts on familiar topics.

Once upon a time, there lived in a certain city in China a poor tailor who had a son called Aladdin. When Aladdin was ten, his father wanted to teach him to be a tailor, but Aladdin was lazy. He didn’t like sewing and making clothes, so he ran off to play with his friends whenever his father tried to teach him.
Aladdin’s father died, and his mother began spinning cotton to earn money. Aladdin carried on playing with his friends. One day, while he was playing in the street, a man saw Aladdin. This is the boy I’ve been looking for,’ he said to himself. ‘My boy!” he said to Aladdin. ‘At last I have found you!”
“Who are you?” asked Aladdin.
‘I am your father’s brother. I knew you were his son the moment I saw you. You’re just like him.’
‘But my father is dead, sir,’ said Aladdin. ‘Oh no!” said the man. ‘Then I am too
late.’ And he began to cry. ‘Here, take these, my boy,’ he said, and gave Aladdin ten gold coins. ‘Give them to your mother and tell her that I should like to visit her tomorrow.
Go now.’
Aladdin ran like the wind and told his mother about the man. “He’d like to visit us tomorrow,’ he said.
‘What are you talking about, Aladdin? Your father has no brothers living.

‘But, mother, as I told you, he wants to
come to see us tomorrow.’
The man came to the house and told the story of how he had
been away for many years and had wanted to see his brother again. He was heartbroken that he had arrived too late. Aladdin’s mother was so moved by the man’s tears that she believed his story. Neither she nor Aladdin realised that the man was in fact
an impostor from Morocco.
The impostor offered to help Aladdin to become a merchant, selling silk in a shop of his own. Aladdin and his mother were delighted. He took Aladdin to the market and bought him a fine suit of clothes.
The following day, the impostor took Aladdin to a beautiful garden. In the garden, he showed Aladdin a big marble stone.
‘Under that stone there is treasure that belongs to you, Aladdin. Come, lift the stone.”
‘But uncle,’ Aladdin replied, “I am not strong
mry of
‘Do as I say,’ said the impostor. Ox

Read the first part of the story

and answer the following questions.

  • 1- Who are the main characters?
  • 2- Where did Aladdin live?
  • 3- What did Aladdin father try to teach him?
  • 4-Was Aladdin a good tailor? Why?
  • 5- What did the stranger tell Aladdin about himself?

Match sentences in part (A) to what best completes them in part (B).

In the story of Aladdin,

Group A

1-  Aladdin came from ……………………….

2- Valuable things, such as jewels, silver

3- Aladdin realizes that the man is not his uncle but an  .

4- A person who makes clothes.

5- Drops come out of ones’ eyes when crying.

Group B

A- China

B- Tears



E- imposter


2 Find these words in the extract. Try to work out their meaning from the context. If you’re unsure, use a dictionary.
1 tailor
3 sew
2 lazy
4 spin
5 cotton 6 coin
7 heartbroken 8 moved
9 imposter
10 merchant

  • 1 tailor – a person who makes clothes
  • 2 lazy – not willing to work or use any effort;
  • 3 sew – use a needle and thread to join two pieces of cloth together
  • 4 spin – make thread by twisting fibres
  • 5 cotton – thread or cloth made from the fibres of the cotton Plant
  • 6 coin – a small round piece of metal used as money
  • 7 heartbroken – very sad;
  • 8 moved – having strong feelings of sadness or sympathy
  • 9 imposter – a person who pretends to be someone else in order to deceive others
  • 10 merchant – a person who buys and sells products in large amounts

4 Find these words in the text and decide whether they are nouns, verbs, or adjectives. Discuss the meanings with a partner.
cave 1
2 protect
3 entrance
4 imprisoned
5 cheat
6 rub
7 genie
8 command
9 terrified
10 joy

Activity no 4 / C.B 96

1 cave (noun) – a space underground which is formed naturally
2 protect (verb) – keep someone safe
3 entrance (noun) – the way in to a place
4 imprisoned (adjective) – kept prisoner in a place
5 cheat (verb) – do something dishonest
6 rub (verb) – move something over the surface of an object
7 genie (noun) – an imaginary person who can make wishes come true
8 command (verb) – order someone to do something;
9 terrified (adjective) – very frightened
10 joy (noun) – extreme happiness

5 Answer the questions
1 Why did the man take Aladdin to the cave?
2 How did Aladdin get out of the cave?
3 The genie says, ‘Your wish is my command.’ What does this mean?

1 He wanted Aladdin to get the lamp out of the cave for him.
2 When Aladdin rubbed the ring, a genie appeared and helped him escape from the cave.
3 It means that he will make any wish you make come true.

6 In pairs, summarise the story from the imposter’s or Aladdin’s mother’s point of view and roleplay your part.

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