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حل درس Unit 6 lesson 8 اللغة الإنجليزية الصف الرابع

حل درس Unit 6 lesson 8 اللغة الإنجليزية الصف الرابع

Unit 6
lesson 8


1 Past tense
Complete sentences with used to

2 Relative pronouns
Understand when to use WHO and WHICH in context

Lesson 8 Then and now
1 Read and write
Read page 99 of your Learner’s Book. Complete the sentences with used to and the words in the box.
be (x2) climb have think
1 Some dinosaurs used to have feathers.
2 In China, some dinosaurs used to climb trees.
3 Scientists used to think that there were no poisonous dinosaurs.
4 Some birds used to be small dinosaurs.
5 Scientists now believe that some dinosaurs used to be warm-blooded.

Use of English
We use who to talk about people.
Who is your new friend?
We use which to talk about animals or things.
Which is your favourite fruit?

Use of English

We use who to talk about people.
Who is your new friend?
We use which to talk about animals or things.
Which is your favourite fruit?

2 Use of English
Read the sentences. Circle the correct word which or who.
1 A scientist is someone which who studies science and discovers new thir 2 Dinosaurs were animals which/who are now extinct.
3 Your parents are relatives which who take care of you.
4 Your teacher is someone which/who helps you learn new things. 5 A pencil is something which/who you write with.
6 A computer is a very useful machine (which who you can use for many


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