ورقة عمل Future simple worksheet اللغة الإنجليزية الصف الخامس

ورقة عمل Future simple worksheet اللغة الإنجليزية الصف الخامس
Future simple worksheet
S+will/shall + V(bare form)
I will go to Thailand.
S+ will not/won’t + V(Base form)
I will not go to Thailand.
+…?Will+S+ V(Base form)
Will you go to Thailand?
Write down the correct form of the verb given in the bracket to make a sentence into simple future tense.
1. The audience ……………. after this magic trick. (clap)
2. What will you do, if I ………………….. you to this hospital? (admit)
3. Don’t panic, ……………… she,this t-shirt from the dryer. (dry)
4. He ………………. a pilot within a week. (not/become)
5. I ………………. all the fruits on the table. (eat)
6. He …………………….. this project work by tomorrow. (not/complete)
7. They …………….. to hangout near the beach. (go)
8.you ……….. me? (marry)……..
9. She……………..me in the seminar hall. (hug)
10. This dress ………….my body. (fit)
11. We ……………if it rains continuously. (rise)
12. The water level…………… if we played well. (win)