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حل درس Drama in the Emirates اللغة الإنجليزية الصف الثامن

حل درس Drama in the Emirates اللغة الإنجليزية الصف الثامن

Unit 6
Drama in the Emirates

Learning outcomes:

By the end of the lesson, learners will be able to …

  • successfully perform a short play in public consolidate their knowledge of relevant vocabulary and grammatical structures through performance.

Warming up activity


Objective: read and understand the main points of a factual text

1 Read the text about drama in the UAE. What two main types of drama are there?
Popular and intellectual

Emirati drama and theatrical performances really began in the 1950s, and Arab immigrants from the surrounding areas played an important role in their development. The present ruler of Sharjah, HH Sheikh Dr Sultan bin Mohammed Aly Qasimi, was one of the first Emirati playwrights.
There are two main categories of Emirati drama. The first of these is popular drama, which is written in the Emirati dialect and is therefore difficult for non-Emiratis to understand. Most texts in this category are written as scripts and performed on stage to local audience.
The second category of drama could be described as ‘intellectual drama’: it explores a particular set of ideas or themes. Sheikh Sultan Al Qasimi, mentioned above, writes mainly historical plays and fiction. Most, if not all, of his writings have been translated into English and few other languages. Many of his plays have been performed on stage during the Sharjah Theatre Festival that takes place annually.

Objective:discuss the meaning of certain items of vocabulary within a given context

Discuss the meaning of the words from the text.
1 immigrant
2 playwright
3 categories
4 drama
5 intellectual
6 dialect
7 script
8 annually
1- A person from another country who has moved into your country
2- A person who writes plays/A dramatist
4- a play for theatre, radio, or television
5- Relating to your ability to think and understand things, especially complicated ideas.
6- a particular form of a language which is peculiar to a specific
region or social group.
7- A script is a written version of a play or movie. 8-once a year; every year.

Objective:  write a short summary of the text

3 Write a summary of the text in one paragraph. Use phrases from the strategy box.
Writing tip
In summaries of a text, you can usefully use phrases such as
According to the writer,
The writer mentions (that)
In this text, the writer makes two main points
Remember that it’s important to use your own words as far as possible.

Read and correct the sentences about the text in the Coursebook. Write a correct sentence each time.

1 Emirati drama has existed for over two hundred years.
Emirati drama has been in existence since 1950s. i.e. over 60 years.

2 Only people from the UAE were involved in the beginnings of drama.
People from the UAE plus Arab immigrants were involved in the beginnings of drama
3 The Emirati dialect is easily understood by everyone.
The Emirati dialect is only understood by a few Emiratis.

4 There is only one main type of Emirati drama.
There are two main types of Emirati drama.

5 Sheikh Sultan Al Qasimi writes popular fiction and plays.
He writes historical plays and fictions

6 Sheikh Sultan Al Qasimi’s plays and fiction are only available in Arabic.
Sheikh Sultan Al Qasims’s plays and fictions have been translated into English and few other languages

7 The Sharjah Festival happens every two years.
The Sharjah Festival happens every year.

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