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ورقة عمل Revision اللغة الإنجليزية الصف الخامس

ورقة عمل Revision اللغة الإنجليزية الصف الخامس


1. Zero conditional:

✓ Uses: we use zero conditional to talk about things that are true.
✓Rule: if/when + present simple…..+ present simple.

When I ride my bike, I always wear a helmet If I can’t find a pedestrian crossing, I find a quiet place to cross the road.

Present simple:

The present tense is the base form of the verb:
I work in London.

But with the third person singular (she/he/it), we add an –s: She works in London.

Look at these quesAons: (do/does + base form)
– Do you play the piano? – Where do you live?
-Does Jack play football? – Where does he come from?
– Do Rita and Angela live in Manchester?
– Where do they work?
– We use do and does to make ques8ons with the present simple.
– We use does for the third person singular (she/he/it) + singular and do for the (they/we/you/u) + plural.

Use of English
**Prepositions of direction **
1….. From here you can go
من هنا تستطيع الذهاب

2. Walk across/up the road/street

3. Go out of the door….
امشي عبر الطريق الشارع
اخرج من الباب

4. Walk towards the post office/pier
امشي باتجاه مكتب البريد

5……. On the left/right
على اليسار يمين

6. the entrance to the underground
المدخل الى القطار تحت الارض

Past continuous:
We use the past continuous to talk about something happening at the same time as another action in the past. One action interrupts the other action.
Long action (past continuous/short action past simple)

يستخدم الماضي المستمر للتحدث عن شيء يحصل في نفس الوقت الذي يحصل به حدث اخر بالماضي. اي بمعنى يحدث يقطع الحدث الآخر بالماضي ونقوم باستخدام الماضي المستمر للتحدث عن الحدث الطويل اما الحدث الذي قطعه فاننا نستخدم له الماضي البسيط


She was walking along when she saw something move.
(Long action continuous)
(Interrupted action past
القاطع simple

**Rule: was/were + verb (ing) Was (she/he/it/l/ singular) Were (they/we/you/plural)
Negative: (not)
Was/were + not+ verb ing
*I was not eating

محددات الكمية :Quantifiers

1. Many: used with countable nouns in questions and negative
تستخدم للاسماء المعدودة والجمل المنفية .sentences
There are not many sandwiches left.
2. Much: used with uncountable nouns in questions and negative
تستخدم للاسماء غير المعدودة والجمل المنفية .sentences
There isn’t much water left.
3. A lot of and plenty: are used with countable and uncountable
تستخدم للاسماء المعدودة وغير المعدودة . nouns in affirmative sentences في الجمل المثبتة (ليست منفية )
There is plenty of ice cream left.
4. A lot of: usually used in negative sentences and questions.
تستخدم للجمل المنفية والسؤال
للكميات القليلة الغير .A little: small quantities of uncountable nouns .5
There is only a little water left.
الكميات القليلة المعدودة . A few: small quantities of countable nouns .6
There are only a few bottles left.
Lesson 6 activity book page 24

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