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ورقة عمل Changes in Landscape over Time العلوم المتكاملة الصف الرابع

ورقة عمل Changes in Landscape over Time العلوم المتكاملة الصف الرابع

1 an example of……………….blowing sand from one place to another
Weathering  A
Erosion  B
deposition C

2 In the Mississippi River, sediment such as soil and rocks are swept downstream by the force of the river. When the river flows into the Gulf of Mexico, most of the sediment is deposited.
Which activity could change the amount of sediment that is deposited from the river?
An increase in rain will cause more erosion, which will cause more sediment to be deposited.
A decrease in rain will cause less erosion, which will cause more sediment to be deposited.
An increase in rain will cause less erosion, which will cause more sediment to be deposited.
An increase in rain will cause more erosion, but will not cause a change in sediment deposited.


3 Which evidence could indicate that a flood has happened in an area?
A  A new mountain has formed
B The sky is cloudy
C Soil and rocks are on the road and sidewalk

4.waves can break………………………………by rushing into the cracks of rocks with lots of energy
A Small rocks
B Large boulders


5 Gravity pulls rainwater downhill and the flowing water erodes the landscape by Blank
Forming sand dunes A
Washing away soil B
Forming a desert C


6) what happens during physical weathering?
It snows A
Rocks are changed into limestone B
The size and shape of rocks change C


7).Can ocean waves change the rocks along a coastline?
Yes. Pounding waves break rocks into smaller pieces.  A
Yes. Pounding waves glue smaller rocks together B
No. Waves are too weak to change rocks. C

:8 Match the picture using their meaning:







Q.9: The sediment carried by the river deposit on the bottom of the large body of water for delta is an example of which type of erosion:
A. Gravity
B. Running water
C. Wind

.10 The process which change the size and shape of rock over time is called?
A. Weathering
B. Erosion
C. Deposition

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