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حل أوراق عمل UNIT 3 EXAM REVIEW العلوم المتكاملة الصف الثالث

حل أوراق عمل UNIT 3 EXAM REVIEW العلوم المتكاملة الصف الثالث

1. Fill in the blanks using the available answer choices.
..The leaves of a tree use energy from ……………………to make food.
a. Sunlight
b. Carbon dioxide

2.. When plants and animals cannot adapt to their environment, their  population
a. dies off
b. survives
c. grows bigger
d. stays the same

3. If a source of food in an ecosystem decreases for a population of snakes, which of the following is not likely to happen?
a. The number of snakes in the population decreases.
b. Some snakes move areas to find more food.
c. Some snakes try to find a different food source.
d. The number of snakes in the population increases.

4. Which helps a fish survive in its environment?
a. Fins
b. lungs
c. hair
d. sticky tongue

5. What resources in an ecosystem would an animal need to compete over?
Select all that apply
a. Water
b. carbon dioxide
c. food
d. space
e. sunlight

6. The monkey may become endangered because
a. there are too many of them
b. the rainforests they live in are being cut down
c. they can find food easily
d. there is plenty of water

7. Which trait would best help an animal survive in the desert better than other
a. a layer of blubber
b. large ear
c. wings
d. a long, thin beak

8. How do animals use camouflage to survive?
a. by standing out from their environment
b. by imitating other animals
c. by blending in with their environment
d. by giving warning calls

9. Which characteristic helps desert animals survive?
a. They are brightly colored.
b. They drink salt water.
c. They hunt during the day.
d. They hunt at night.

10. To survive in cold water whales adapted a
a. thick layer of gray fur
b. thin layer of scales
c. thick layer of blubber for warmth
d. thin layer of dry skin

11. An animal will……… to rest during the harsh temperatures of a cold winter.
a. migrate
b. hibernate

A desert jackrabbit can survive better with  12.
a. Large
b. small

13. When a bird flies south for the winter, it is
a. hibernating
b. camouflaging itself
c. migrating
d. miming
14. Select all the situations that can make it hard for an elephant to survive.
a. It finds new space to roam within its habitat.
b. It cannot find enough food in its environment.
c. It makes its home near a fresh water source.
d. It must compete with other animals for resources.

15. Which is an example of a desert plant adaptation?
a. does not photosynthesize year-round
b. loses its leaves in winter
c. has a long, woody trunk
d. has soft tissue to retain water

Animals that………go into a deep sleep to survive the winter when there can be less food to eat.
a. migrate
b. hibernate

17. A tiger has a striped coat. What could this help it do?
a. be seen at a zoo
b. sneak up on its prey
c. store blubber for the winter
d. let other tigers know it is nearby

18. ……….A polar bear’s white fur is an example of
a. Camouflage
b. Mimicry

Camouflage can help animals survive. Which statement is an example of how camouflage can help an animal survive?
a. Stick bugs can imitate sticks to avoid being seen by predators.
b. Birds fly south in a v-shape to save energy during their flight.
c. A butterfly can have patterns on its wings to warn predators.
d. A snake’s color blends into the sand to disguise itself from prey.

20. An organism that imitates another use a. community to ……………stay safe.
b. climate
c. camouflage
d. mimicry

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