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حل درس After school اللغة الإنجليزية الصف الثامن

حل درس After school اللغة الإنجليزية الصف الثامن
Our Rules
- Mute all your microphones
- Join class on time
- If you are late, join quietly
- Make sure you have your notebook and stationery at your desk
- Make comments in the chat
- Everyone should participate
- Be respectful towards your classmates and the teacher
- Be polite
Today is ….
Sunday , 27th September 2020
What is our lesson today about?
Unit :1 lesson : 7 A special day
A Special Day
To identify new vocabulary words.
-To talk about special days with a partner
To listen for specific information.
New Vocabulary
ping pong
What is your favourite special Emirati day ?
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