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حل درس Language Focus اللغة الإنجليزية الصف الخامس Access

حل درس Language Focus اللغة الإنجليزية الصف الخامس Access
Access Book 5
Unit 1: Lesson 3 (Pages 5 & 6)
Language Focus
Mr. Michael
Wednesday, September 16th, 2020
Rules & Procedures
- Come to class on time.
- If you do not respond to me verbally by saying your name or by typing your name in the chat, then you are absent.
- Keep your mics on mute, until asked to share. Cameras should be turned on, and uniform shirts should be worn.
- Please be on your best behavior.
- No inappropriate profile pictures. Only pictures of yourself.
- Only educational content to be posted in the chat.
Review Grammar Points
Learning Outcomes
Students will be able to:
1.Review grammar points.
2.Participate in class discussions.
3.Match the pictures to text.
4.Write the correct words on the lines.
5.Read the sentences and determine whether they are true or false.
6.Complete the tables.
7.Write complete sentences.
Activity 5: Talk about the people. Choose names and where they are from.
Evaluate your learning for today in the chat:
Type a 1 if you are confused.
Type a 2 if you are getting there.
Type a 3 if you got it!
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